Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [verb] [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bruce Reynolds and Buster Edwards were eventually senetnced after being on the run in Mexico .
2 We were only going to be in 24 hours so we would n't bother having a meal we 'd have a slap up on the way out , ’ said Michael .
3 No , well we 've got the bulk , we were only going to be in Woking an hour .
4 Thus , reading right-wing papers had most effect upon increasing Thatcher 's ratings on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and depressing Kinnock 's ratings on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
5 Reading right-wing papers had most effect upon improving Thatcher 's image on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and damaging Kinnock 's image on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
6 The remaining two pups were not registered with the AKC , as they were not thought to be of high enough merit .
7 Although the stark trees were just beginning to be in leaf , and familiarity had lessened the menacing air of the place , Theda still found herself uncomfortable within it .
8 You know come down and touch , they were always wanting to be with your horses .
9 However , as of late March both bases were still believed to be under rebel control .
10 Our landlady , a Mrs Brown , seemed pleasant and reasonable , and we were still contented to be in Bedford , although we had discovered that there was one disadvantage — the Americans .
11 At least two of the journalists seized at the Marriott hotel on Wednesday were still feared to be in pro-Noriega hands yesterday .
12 Abdelbaset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi , 39 , and Al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , 35 , who were both presumed to be in Libya , were reportedly members of the Libyan intelligence services and former employees of Libyan Arab Airlines .
13 War-risk premiums were repeatedly reported to be on the rise for both hulls and cargoes .
14 The Foreign Office has now issued a warning to tourists about terrorist activity in Egypt , and says the reason it was n't given out sooner is because British tourists were n't thought to be at risk .
15 Nevertheless , the Court 's recognition of a pre-1788 land claim was widely believed to be of immense symbolic significance .
16 The group was led ostensibly by Duncan Sandys and the Progressive MP , Vernon Bartlett , but Winston Churchill was widely believed to be behind the movement .
17 However , the fact that the issue was raised at all by a US President , and in such an unequivocal manner , was widely considered to be of great significance .
18 There had been no improvement in productivity , retail prices went up by 1.5 per cent ( although the real level of inflation was widely thought to be at least double that ) , and wages remained static in real terms .
19 It was basically envisaged to be of national proportions as well as non-denominational , with religious instruction given in separate classes .
20 But then it was only going to be for a matter of weeks , so what did it matter anyway ?
21 Perhaps I may also be permitted to use some of your space to assure your readers that the arrival of Triassic and Lilla for our Summer Gala ( June 20th/21st ) was not intended to be in any way the last minute and the locomotives arrived just two days before the event , so we preferred not to advertise them in advance so as to avoid disappointment .
22 Although the V&A 's sculpture department tried to keep the sixteenth-century bronze statue in the country , it seems that it was not felt to be of sufficient merit to meet any of the Waverley criteria governing rules on the export of works of art from Britain .
23 Without in any way making light of the distress of the parents of Tony Bland , it is very important to keep a firm hold of the fact that Tony himself was not reported to be in any pain or distress ; so any change in the treatment he was receiving was not for the purpose of relieving acute suffering of the patient .
24 John Gummer , who was not considered to be in need of protection , was singing ‘ Lead Kindly Light ’ in a falsetto voice .
25 Clarence House said she was in ‘ very little distress ’ and was not thought to be in any danger , and her admission was purely precautionary .
26 A spokeswoman said Courtney had suffered ‘ generalised bruising ’ in the crash but was not thought to be in any danger .
27 He said this kindly , as if he meant it as a tip she could use on her next date — which obviously was not going to be with him .
28 This was not going to be at all easy .
29 However , given the weakness of France 's position since 1815 , the task was not going to be at all easy .
30 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
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