Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [verb] [pron] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to keep my feelings under control and remember that all these people were mostly helping us out of the goodness of their hearts , but sometimes it was difficult .
2 But though this hope might be enough for some who were actually to lift themselves out of the working class , and perhaps also for a greater number who never got beyond dreaming of success as they read Samuel Smiles 's Self-Help ( 1859 ) or similar handbooks , it was perfectly evident that most workers would remain workers all their lives , and indeed that the economic system required them to do so .
3 A boy opposite me was obviously working something out in his head .
4 He was just marrying her out of ambition — how many more times did she have to remind herself of that ?
5 She was always seeking him out for one of her little chats .
6 ( The country was still sorting itself out after the Election . )
7 Josie said that she did n't usually get in until around six , but that there were a few extra jobs that she wanted to finish off ; Lucy had the feeling , but did n't say so , that the main point of the exercise was probably to get her out of the way before the slender red-haired woman arrived home .
8 She was probably making something out of nothing .
9 It was how to work everything out for her guests , herself and her family .
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