Example sentences of "[was/were] [pron] [det] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In his view , the revelation of God in Jesus Christ , and the repairing and restoring of fallen human nature brought about through it , were nothing less than a miraculous new beginning , an act of creative divine power , whose discontinuity from what had preceded it was signalled by the double miracle of Jesus ' birth from a virgin and his resurrection from the grave .
2 They were nothing more than a lousy bunch of down and outs , students ( same thing in my book ) , and back-packing evangelists with acne .
3 ‘ He 's never ever mentioned that night to me since , so as far as he 's aware , ’ he rapped cuttingly , ‘ I could think you were nothing more than an easy one-nighter for him ! ’
4 The room was nothing more than a dry , musty cell .
5 She had repeatedly told herself her response to his touch was nothing more than a temporary aberration on her part , that familiarity must inevitably breed contempt , that sooner or later she would feel nothing more than irritation .
6 One complainant wrote to say that this milestone in the study of human sexuality was nothing more than a complete waste of time and simply confirmed the writer 's conviction that ‘ the male population is a herd of prancing , leering goats ’ .
7 Still she lifted her chin slightly and tried to ignore the media attention , knowing that it was all really centred on Ace and that she was nothing more than a decorative addition to his charismatic presence .
8 ‘ It was nothing more than a mental aberration on my part . ’
9 The house was nothing more than a front wall .
10 The immediate reaction was that the discovery of Pluto was nothing more than a small-scale diversion : there must be a tenth planet out there , and a very large planet at that .
11 As far as he was concerned she was nothing more than a time-and-labour-saving device required for the voyage .
12 Thus , between 1744 and 1767 , Hermann Samuel Reimarus , a professor at Hamburg , had argued that Jesus was nothing more than a failed Judaic revolutionary whose body was removed from its tomb by his disciples .
13 Lucille 's home was very grandly called a château , though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm with a crenellated tower to remind passers-by that the building had once been a small fortress .
14 Which was nothing more than a sideways stab at NME hipness coupled with a nod towards the absurd fitness fad .
15 Implexion was sure she was nothing more than a spoiled and pampered daughter of a rich house , as ill-prepared for privation as it was possible to be .
16 In her early days as a singer she had encountered those who had wrongly assumed she was nothing more than a beautiful but empty-headed blonde .
17 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
18 In truth the TV realisation of Poet 's Corner , Westminster Abbey was nothing more than a photographic blow-up , and the monster just the latex-coated hands of writer Nigel Kneale sticking out through a hole in the picture .
19 Because , of course , the Counterweight Continent was nothing more than a solar myth .
20 Why did she let herself feel so safe with him , when to him she was nothing more than a hot-tempered child with a woman 's body ?
21 Charmed in spite of his suspicion that all this was nothing more than an elaborate strategy to get the best strawberries , the young man leaned on his fork .
22 For my late grandmother , this was nothing more than an amusing game .
23 ‘ It only proves what I have been saying for some time that this was nothing more than an arranged marriage .
24 Maybe it was nothing more than the statistical impossibility of everyone staying home all of the time .
25 During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries , France developed what was nothing less than a long-term naval strategy .
26 Their dream was nothing less than a revolutionary project to bring computers and ordinary people together .
27 What was needed was nothing less than a new industrial revolution .
28 Just as at Henry VIII 's death in 1547 , what was at stake in 1542 was nothing less than the religious and political future of the kingdom ; and that was entirely uncertain .
29 After Pentecost , they became assured that their experience of God 's activity in their midst and in their mission was nothing less than the continued work and presence of Jesus among them .
30 Carlos Alberto Reutemann , that cunning , solitary ace from Argentina , worried about his racing twenty-four hours a day ; James seemed to give it scarcely a thought — technically , as a contributor to development he was something less than a devoted genius ( but on the track he had extraordinarily good reflexes and a lot of savvy ) .
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