Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] have [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At several sites , protesting miners were reported to have gone down the pits and stayed there following the announcement .
2 Police were reported to have broken up a pro-independence demonstration in Lhasa , the Tibetan capital , on March 20 .
3 Police in Colombia were reported to have broken up a march of several thousand Indians , 21 of whom were injured , near the southern town of Popyan .
4 In July FIS militants were reported to have burned down a divorced woman 's house " to purge her sins ' , resulting in the death of her three-year-old son .
5 Office supplier Nobo Group enjoyed a 15 point jump to 92p , compliments of James Capel , who were reported to have put out a ‘ buy ’ recommendation .
6 In the first attack of its type in the 11-year civil war , the FMLN were said to have shot down an A-37 jet aircraft on Nov. 23 with a Sam-7 or Sam-14 ground-to-air missile .
7 The talks were seen to have opened up the possibility of a June meeting between the UNRG , political parties , church groups , employers and popular movements as a preliminary to possible direct talks between the government , the armed forces and the guerrillas .
8 During negotiations between Syria and Israel the head of the Syrian delegation , Muwaffaq al-Allaf , was reported to have raised immediately the issue of UN Resolution 242 , stating that Israel continued to distort the interpretation of the resolution by claiming that it did not demand a withdrawal from the occupied territories .
9 Pulled in by the cops , having to rescue a naked vicar and now it looked as if I was going to have to talk down a paranoid lesbian .
10 One example will suffice ; Walpole-Bond records , with reference to Wheatears , that during the period from the final years of the 18th to the early ones of the 19th centuries an inhabitant of East Dean ‘ once during that short time was thought to have taken nearly a hundred dozen ’ , and another ‘ near Eastbourne procured eighty-four dozen in the same short space of time ’ .
11 The federal public prosecutor 's office began an investigation into the right-wing Nationalist Front , based in Detmold ( western Germany ) , and the Ku Klux Klan , which was thought to have set up a chapter in North Rhine-Westphalia .
12 THE house where ex-Goon Peter Sellers was born has taken on a new lease of life as a Chinese restaurant .
13 The Irish defender was furious when he was judged to have given away a late penalty for tripping Andy Sinton .
14 He stumbled into the blackness and made his way to the wreckage , where Miller was meant to have found out the location of the Home Guard HQ .
15 The two fresh contenders of greatest interest , if only because they were not even in the side when Scotland trounced Ireland at Murrayfield , are Peter Clohessy on the tight-head — a player who incurred the wrath of Australia 's Bob Dwyer but who was held to have made quite an impact on the Lions ' top brass versus Wales — and the young stand-off , Eric Ellwood .
16 Hislop where , within the same article , Private Eye was held to have committed both a statutory and a common law contempt in exerting improper pressure on Sonia Sutcliffe to abandon her proceedings .
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