Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv prt] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The wounded who seemed to have a chance of recovery were left on the jeeps and were sped off down through the village to the dressing stations on the other side of the River Orne .
2 In no sense did it correspond to the experience of student activism that so many of my generation were to go through elsewhere over the next few years .
3 Cameron and Menzies were squeezed back nearly into the house , and big Mary , finding herself hard up against Menzies , took his arm , cleared a space with a sideways butt of her hip , and twirled once round with him .
4 Measurements of Ca 2 + and pH were carried out immediately after the collection .
5 Even in very large organizations one finds that the original conceptual activities were carried out initially on the drawing board , advancing to cardboard models to verify their ideas .
6 I liked Brahms 's youthful B major Trio for its wholly natural flow — as if the players were carried along willy-nilly on the music 's own tide .
7 The recollections of those who worked with him in the war years show a striking convergence : volunteers were won over instantly by the self-assured prophetic tone in which he discussed the war and by his knack of making them feel that they had been singled out to receive a confidence .
8 The front door was open and at least two sorts of music were oozing out on to the street .
9 Whilst they were appearing in Up With the Lark at the Adelphi Theatre , they coped admirably with their filming schedule but were furious when Sickert produced a picture of them called High Steppers .
10 She did not provide him with wine , to be sure , but he took it in the caffè he frequented , a caffè where politics were argued over far into the night and the arguers fell asleep at the table .
11 The Russians were pushed back northwards to the Stanovoi mountains , where the frontier fixed in 1689 by the Treaty of Nerchinsk was recognized until the nineteenth century .
12 ‘ We can eat later , ’ Leila called , trying to keep order over the group who were wandering about all over the place .
13 British Aerospace workers ' hopes of a revival were shot down yesterday with the news that 650 jobs are to be axed .
14 Greenshank were dashing about nervously in the shallows , as greenshanks do , small parties of elegant curlew sandpipers were busily feeding by probing the sand , and grey plovers were standing about watching for any small movements .
15 So this car that was trying to get out was sitting there waiting and there was no driver in sight and people were rushing about all over the station trying to find the driver .
16 Yesterday 's match-winning pair up front , Aberdeen 's Booth and Dundee United 's Duncan Ferguson , were lining up together for the first time during the current campaign .
17 There were people , people everywhere — huddled inside doorways trying to keep dry , crowding into the small , old-fashioned shops , and buying fruit and vegetables at bargain prices from the swarthy hawkers whose barrows were drawn up close to the kerb .
18 As she looked down from the stand , the horses for the third race , a handicap over six furlongs , were filing out on to the racecourse .
19 Well , I saw his van really , once when he came to pick up Billy when they were going off somewhere for the weekend .
20 It was not as if they were going out alone on the High Veld .
21 It would seem that these few packets were handed out mainly to the neighbours of the field workers rather than to those villagers who actually needed the ORS .
22 The crowds of buyers , who apparently did not share their view , were moving out now to the lawn where the sale was due to begin in a large marquee .
23 As it happened , the entire episode was resolved after The Smiths decided to repoen communications with the label and a somewhat confused Easterhouse were invited back on to the Scottish tour .
24 Purple and yellow crocuses were popping up all over the lawn , the hard winter outlines of shrubs and trees were blurred by new growth like the fuzz on an adolescent 's upper lip , even the rows of savagely pruned rosebushes at the front of the house , separated by concrete walkways like a cemetery of spider crabs buried upside-down , were shoving out shoots and buds .
25 Ca n't tell you how long a journey it was back in the fog from Liverpool that day , and then when we were relegated back again to the third division it was on the last match of the season against Charlton , and the heavens opened and a big thunder storm and it just flooded the pitch and the referee just called the match off and they had to play it again the following Friday and Charlton ran out two-one winners and Walsall finished with nine fit men and still that 's the football I suppose .
26 Three were dragged back on to the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car .
27 Three were dragged back on to the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car .
28 The town 's ambulancemen had four times just arrived back at their station when they were called out again to the Spa , bringing in contestants with injuries including a black eye , broken nose , concussion and a damaged foot .
29 For all they were saying back there in the screen-room , they do n't want change .
30 She would see Mama and Papa again soon , they were coming over well before the wedding , and what bliss to greet them as the future Marchioness of Blaine , beautiful blond Havvie by her side , eager to meet them — or so he publicly said — his private comments were somewhat different — more to the effect that he could swallow Sally-Anne and her dollars , but her parvenu papa was quite another thing !
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