Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [coord] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 As above , no comparative data were given but we found that cuckoos fledged more chicks both per nest and per egg laid at Santa Fe than at Guadix ( Table 1 ) .
2 Mr. Clark had to get a bricklayer to repair the walls that were broken and he complained that although the schoolmaster was in attendance the whole time , the boys had made it worse than it was before .
3 He laughed and kissed her again , and somehow it was another hour before the last of the doughnuts and her third cup of tea were consumed and he decreed that the colour had returned to her cheeks and they could leave .
4 She said she 'd realised how tired your parents were becoming and she knew that if she wanted to remain at home on a long-term basis she would have to have some form of respite care .
5 I do n't know what they were doing and I guess that could be called an orgy .
6 The learning difficulties being experienced by your child were discussed and you agreed that your child probably has a special educational need which requires further investigation .
7 The parents were removed and I estimated that I had over a hundred eggs .
8 From this period until the Bishopric of Gilbert de Glanville the buildings at Hailing were neglected and we know that Glanville carried out a great deal of restoration work here .
9 Signora Puglia was consulted and she suggested that she should give me private lessons after school to bring me up to the standard of the others .
10 Th th when the house was built it was painted and I think that used to last it 's lifetime .
11 The guards knew full well what was happening and we knew that after a few days they were likely to get heavy about it .
12 ‘ However , in due course a few , a very few indeed , intelligent teachers came to take a cool look at what was happening and they realised that for the vast majority of children the majority of our educational processes add about as much to the mental stature of our children as a diet of sawdust would add to their physical stature … . ,
13 The adrenalin was pumping but I knew that I could control it , knew that it was necessary to a good performance .
14 A chamber was opened and I realised that , like many wise householders , Santerre used one room to store huge vats of water against the very fire we were now fighting .
15 There appeared to be some problem with our papers regarding the tonnage we were hauling until a 20DM note was produced and we insisted that we did not require a receipt .
16 According to Cyril Ray in his penetrating profile Bollinger ( 1971 ) , one house was spared and he records that fifteen years after the riots Madame Bollinger overheard a passer-by outside one of her windows say , ‘ That 's the Bollinger house , you know : we did n't touch it during the riots here — as a matter of fact , we lowered our flag to it when we passed ! ’ 'Probably the red flag , ’ Madame is supposed to have commented with pleased irony .
17 According to the NCC , the offer was refused and she claimed that the bailiffs told her that they would kick her door down .
18 When the draw was announced and I found that I was next to Carl Lewis I thought that it was just brilliant , because we run our races in a similar fashion and I thought he could drag me through .
19 John Chant asked how the above was progressing and I explained that we have had initial draft typeset — he has asked to see a copy which I have passed to him today .
20 The smaller man was retreating and it seemed that his guard was weakening .
21 In July 1985 the Comptroller and Auditor General 's Report was published and it concluded that there were weaknesses in the control and deployment of nursing staff .
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