Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Improvements were seen in both treatment groups .
2 There is reason to think they were also feeling the loss of their carriers that June at the battle of Midway , and were looking for more land bases for aircraft .
3 Similar rules were made by some village committees and municipalities .
4 Fortunes were made by some mine owners and millions of pounds'-worth of lead was taken .
5 To give an overview of the way in which the 50 coding categories were used in each condition Tables 7.4 and 7.5 show the total number of times each category was used in the description and potential risks conditions respectively .
6 Mole catchers were employed by some canal companies because of the problems which the animal could cause .
7 Most of her purdah days were spent in these beauty treatments , perfuming and powdering .
8 Two days before it , however , when we were running through some back moves , my back seemed to lock out and I could n't move freely at all .
9 The man 's cheeks were tattooed with little vermilion chalices brimming with gore .
10 During March a number of mass graves were found near former concentration camps or prisoner-of-war camps .
11 While white settlers and colonial civil servants were provided with both government schools and a number of fee-paying private schools , many of them regarded the expansion of educational provision for the black population as politically dangerous .
12 When they were asked about any credit arrangements which they knew people like them could use to buy things , these were the proportions which named each of the following :
13 They approved a resolution declaring that " bloody events in Georgia were started by former party bureaucrats , communist mafia and criminal gangs " .
14 One point I 'd just like to add to what David was just saying there was that when you were talking about those orientation problems , when we were making the film of the children at Brickwall , what was brought home to me very strongly was that these sort of problems can arise in mathematics , as well as in reading .
15 All these problems , and a good deal more , were faced by those drama Directors whose programmes were scheduled for production using Lime Grove 's facilities .
16 Direct DNA sequencing was done using primers A3 and B5 for patient A , and primers A5i and A3i:5'-CAGACGCCATACAACTGCAC-3' for patient B. Point mutations were confirmed on both DNA strands .
17 Passenger saloons built by the GNR were attached to these power units to form articulated railcars , a speciality of Walkers , which greatly reduced noise and vibration levels for passengers .
18 The ‘ Ritz Bedroom ’ , for example , ‘ so named by the Ashleys because the bath in the adjoining bathroom was exactly like those in their favourite hotel , the Paris Ritz ’ , was furnished with some choice pieces of Louis XV vintage .
19 Well they were two storey buildings , we had one office which was partitioned off for us clerks and the other half was for the traffic superintendent who was responsible , directly responsible to the general manager of the Ipswich Electric Supply and Transport Departments , so erm and then we had another office adjoining that which was a store room because in those days we used to have to erm record and keep in safekeeping all lost property , no end of things we used to have but we , you know , we used to have pigeon holes and lost property that was brought in , was placed into these pigeon holes it 'd be Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday .
20 The import levy was criticized by some government members , including Tomas Alacantra , Under-Secretary of Trade and Industry , who warned that it would discourage foreign investors and lead to increased commodity prices .
21 I was told at the Bar that in section 25 application cases hearsay evidence was regarded in some family proceedings courts as not admissible .
22 This unusual variation on the Plains tipi design was favoured by some Plateau tribes , and particularly by the Nez Perce .
23 So I was caught with these milk tokens .
24 In a clockwise direction from the top left of the picture , the card next to the clock was decorated with some bramble leaves , grass and wild roses .
25 Corporal punishment was forbidden in all state schools from 1987 . ]
26 Following this , the mill was occupied by several engineering firms who , in their turn , were replaced by the Chalford Stick Company , a concern originally founded in 1903 .
27 At the time of his trip he was such a novelty that he was featured in several Reykjavik newspapers , and treated with great hospitality wherever he went .
28 An increase in prevalence of use was seen in all age groups , and the age of users had shifted towards older age .
29 Bu and er of course , most of your work was done from these Federation stores , stalls , Birmingham and London .
30 Although the women 's identity remained shielded during the trial , she was named by several news organizations in the pre-trial period , and she chose to reveal her identity in an interview shortly after the verdict .
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