Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Smyth ( 1978 ) in Alternatives to Animal Experiments , points out that several of its techniques , such as mass spectrometry , gas chromatography , and the use of isotopes in biomedical research , were developed much earlier in the century on the grounds of simple efficiency .
2 The substance or substances were placed down either on an object in front of the horse or somewhere on the front of the horse himself .
3 The forthright tones of Quentin Oates were heard more recently in The Bookseller suggesting that ‘ a sensible , enthusiastic feature ’ about adventure stories would do a power of good to readership and publishers ' advertising alike .
4 Helicopter traffic to and from the rigs and foreign flights to Norway and Holland were building up rapidly as a result of the oil boom , and with the small numbers of customs staff on shore our crew was often asked to help out while we were in port .
5 In no sense did it correspond to the experience of student activism that so many of my generation were to go through elsewhere over the next few years .
6 They were staying in the house and were joined almost daily by a number of their friends on holiday on the coast .
7 The pope 's claims to decide on appeal were witnessed most clearly in the Canterbury election .
8 And they were reacting not only against the art of the past fifty years but also against the techniques and traditions of vision that had shaped Western painting since the scientific discoveries of the early Renaissance .
9 Cameron and Menzies were squeezed back nearly into the house , and big Mary , finding herself hard up against Menzies , took his arm , cleared a space with a sideways butt of her hip , and twirled once round with him .
10 You were rolled up tight as a mummy in canvas , then water was poured on it .
11 By the end of 1922 the size of the guberniia Party organization totalled 5,925,9 compared with , for instance , 3,286 local officials of the Commissariat for agriculture , most of whom were not Party members , but who , by the very nature of their work as surveyors , land-reclaimers , timber and livestock experts , were scattered more widely round the rural areas than were Party workers .
12 More shots , but this time the gouts of white smoke were scattered more thinly along the hedgerow .
13 The NORTH U21s , managed by Dave Parker , enjoyed their biennial pre-season tour to Marvejols in Central France where they were hosted for their week long visit by French families as the result of town twinning with Cockermouth , and the fantastic hospitality and often adventurous leisure activities were enjoyed not only by the players but also by referee Fred Howard , who officiated in the first two matches .
14 After the election , though , the NDP faded into the ranks of the coalition majority , having neither roots nor party organization of their own , and Unionist efforts were carried on instead through a Labour wing in their own party .
15 Measurements of Ca 2 + and pH were carried out immediately after the collection .
16 The second to seventh defendants have complained to the ombudsman that such valuations made in respect of further loans to them were carried out negligently by an employee of , in the case of the second and third defendants , the Halifax Building Society ; in the case of fourth and fifth defendants the Woolwich Building Society , and in the case of the sixth and seventh defendants the Leeds Permanent Building Society .
17 Even in very large organizations one finds that the original conceptual activities were carried out initially on the drawing board , advancing to cardboard models to verify their ideas .
18 These tendencies were carried much further by the younger men , Gibbons , Coprario , the younger Ferrabosco , Thomas Lupo , and a number of others , who would base a short section on a popular morris-dance tune ( as Gibbons does in a four-part viol fantasy ) and use motives more clear-cut in rhythmic profile sequentially as Giovanni Gabrieli does .
19 I liked Brahms 's youthful B major Trio for its wholly natural flow — as if the players were carried along willy-nilly on the music 's own tide .
20 Chairman Eddie Slinger said : ‘ The committee took the view that there had been a deliberate and flagrant breach of Board regulations which Mr Lamb admitted were designed not only for the benefit of the Board but all registered cricketers .
21 The recollections of those who worked with him in the war years show a striking convergence : volunteers were won over instantly by the self-assured prophetic tone in which he discussed the war and by his knack of making them feel that they had been singled out to receive a confidence .
22 These new principles of greater kindness towards horses continued , despite the many advocates of cruel practices which were recommended not only by the Neopolitan School but also by other influential writers on the Continent and in England .
23 The youthful immigrants who swelled the population were attracted not only from the Vale of York but from far beyond .
24 Although Leavis 's prescriptions were addressed most directly to the situation at Cambridge , their immediate impact was greatest within the newer university institutions .
25 Following the exile , it should be recalled that women , for a complex of pragmatic reasons , were confined almost exclusively to the domestic realm .
26 With regard to a carbon tax he said at Energy Questions on Monday that if that ’ were done unilaterally ahead of the rest of the world , it could put British industry at a severe disadvantage . ’
27 Corinth 's north-western interests were threatened more directly by the affair of Corcyra , which is one of the two ‘ alleged reasons ’ which Thucydides does describe fully .
28 Some elements in Bonhoeffer 's criticism were met very adequately by the later development of Barth 's thought as the stress on revelation was counterbalanced by others , and the humanity rather than the otherness of God came to the fore .
29 She did not provide him with wine , to be sure , but he took it in the caffè he frequented , a caffè where politics were argued over far into the night and the arguers fell asleep at the table .
30 CONTRASTING faces of Scottish rugby were presented here yesterday as the build-up for this weekend 's glittering international sevens hots up .
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