Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] be [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Many were found to be dead and the total casualties were reported to be about a hundred .
2 He , like Handel , ended his days in London ; where his father 's instruments were disposed of is also a mystery .
3 The event was conceived and devised by a group of inmates , and was intended to be essentially an education project informing people in Britain about the circumstances relating to the Naga people .
4 The assertion that Bayezid 's reign was felt to be essentially a godless one finds confirmation in the view taken by the earliest Ottoman historians of the crushing defeat suffered by Bayezid at the hands of Timur in 1402 near Ankara and the subsequent chaos in the Ottoman state .
5 The ‘ star system ’ , promoted and hyped by the media , was seen to be largely a male preserve .
6 After the Polish invasion of April 1919 , Belorussia was said to be historically an inalienable part of the Polish Commonwealth .
7 In the first exact solution of this type , given by Bell and Szekeres ( 1974 ) , the singularity on the hypersurface was shown to be only a coordinate singularity that could easily be removed by a coordinate transformation .
8 After this remarkable visit , the volcano continued to be active for a week or two , but the explosive activity died down somewhat , and it began to look as though the eruption was going to be just a nine-days ' wonder , and would soon fade away and be forgotten .
9 It really was going to be quite a race .
10 The decision , taken in advance of the fourth party congress scheduled for the first half of 1991 , was thought to be primarily a cost-cutting exercise in response to the deepening economic crisis , as the country 's preferential trading terms with the Soviet Union and other COMECON countries were about to expire ; commentators also viewed the changes as concentrating power within the party in fewer hands .
11 What Nathaniel was born into was perhaps a boring life in the pits .
12 The admitted fact that South America and Africa look a bit like separated pieces of a jigsaw puzzle was assumed to be just an amusing coincidence .
13 If he had had his way , he would have stayed in Wilson 's house all day long and as it was managed to be there a good half of it .
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