Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , he thought they would be drifting apart a bit now , perversely but predictably because they were seeing more of each other , not just weekends ; Stock stayed the night at the horrible little place in Islington quite often , but Slater thought Sara might be getting bored with the black-leather macho man .
2 Tiny Tabard 's hopes were dashed after taking a 7–0 lead as they were mauled 50–13 by mighty Northampton .
3 The special needs of different categories of the physically handicapped were recognized first by individual philanthropists and this led to the establishment of numerous national and local voluntary organizations aiming to promote the welfare of the disabled .
4 At least 95pc of emergency calls were responded to within the agreed 19 minutes and the remaining 5pc were delayed due to exceptional circumstances .
5 Of particular importance for the residential sector was the fact that 75 per cent of the children admitted compulsorily were placed first in some form of residential care , with half of them in observation and assessment centres or in reception homes ( p. 162 ) .
6 If subscribers were limited each to twenty shares the greatest possible number would be 1,500 , and the least 75 . ’
7 The government decreed that land was to remain the property of the landlords , that peasants were to remain subject to communal organizations ( which reduced the likelihood that they might turn into entrepreneurs ) , that the gentry would continue to exercise police duties in the countryside , and that state and local taxes were to be paid as before .
8 On Oct. 9 , 1989 , the then Economy Minister , Néstor Rapanelli , signed a decree allowing freedom of action for foreign companies to buy into Argentina without prior government approval ; however , areas such as the media were to remain closed to foreign investment .
9 However , interaction problems seemed to be almost insuperable if the system were to remain suitable for casual use .
10 These beliefs were rooted far deeper in the past than attitudes to taxation or to education , and they were to remain tenacious into late NEP despite mounting persecution , as will be seen when this same area is re-examined later .
11 In 1989/90 , 99.9 per cent of the 4 million hectares of arable crops in England and Wales were treated with pesticides ; crops were treated two to seven times a season .
12 After Mary 's accession in 1553 , considerable numbers of images , vestments , chalices , and crucifixes did indeed reappear in parish churches throughout the country , but only a few years later many of them were to fall foul of renewed attacks on images at the beginning of Elizabeth 's reign .
13 The ceilings , bulkheads and window frames were painted white with black lettering .
14 The company pleaded guilty in the Crown Court and were fined 10,000 on each count , a total of 20,000 .
15 Patients were deemed compliant for this study on the basis of a significant rise in serum concentrations of the supplemented vitamin and a correct tablet count .
16 He swallowed , scanning her face with tawny eyes whose whites were becoming dull with excess alcohol .
17 Clinical measurements were becoming popular about this time , and many interesting things were being discovered as a result of this more quantitative approach .
18 The four , in their thirties and forties , had set out on board the 43ft Rose Noelle on 1 June for a three-week voyage to Tonga , but were reported overdue on 24 June .
19 This supports the idea that for both groups of children ties were solved direct from long term memory without any counting .
20 Thirteen patients were referred for this treatment as they were considered unsuitable for conventional cholecystectomy either on account of age ( n=4 , range 79–86 years ) or serious medical problems ( n=9 , range 72–78 years ) including one patient ( X ) who was on the waiting list for a heart transplant .
21 It is clear , too , that the exercise of statutory powers ( and the performance of statutory duties ) might be unreviewable in a court if the particular case raised issues , such as matters of national security , which were considered unsuitable for judicial review .
22 After the siege there was a rapid polarisation of opinion within the city , which resulted in the absorption or departure of the remaining Polish gentry , so that by the end of the Napoleonic Wars Danzig and Pomerania , though still containing a very substantial number of Poles and Polish-speakers , were considered loyal to Prussian ideals and identity .
23 If a left ear advantage , per se , were considered indicative of right-sided speech then up to this proportion of right handers would be classified on such a test as having right hemisphere speech .
24 Stockbrokers Beeson Gregory believe the USM performed a valuable service by breaking down the barrier that , until 1980 , meant that only sizeable businesses were considered fit for public company status .
25 Even in the age of Elizabeth I , although the monarch was well versed in Latin and Greek , women were considered inferior in intellectual ability to men .
26 There was less consensus about following six areas but they were considered important for future research :
27 Twenty five patients were treated ; 13 patients were considered unfit for conventional treatment ( complex group ) and 12 elected to have the procedure ( non-complex group ) .
28 Two trips were organised due to three pregnancies coinciding with the first dates .
29 They were both old lags and were sentenced each to ten years imprisonment .
30 Perhaps Betty had asked some people in and they were enduring one of those breaks in conversation , but the silence went on .
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