Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 At several sites , protesting miners were reported to have gone down the pits and stayed there following the announcement .
2 The talks were seen to have opened up the possibility of a June meeting between the UNRG , political parties , church groups , employers and popular movements as a preliminary to possible direct talks between the government , the armed forces and the guerrillas .
3 During negotiations between Syria and Israel the head of the Syrian delegation , Muwaffaq al-Allaf , was reported to have raised immediately the issue of UN Resolution 242 , stating that Israel continued to distort the interpretation of the resolution by claiming that it did not demand a withdrawal from the occupied territories .
4 He stumbled into the blackness and made his way to the wreckage , where Miller was meant to have found out the location of the Home Guard HQ .
5 ‘ We are sure the fire was started to try to cover up the murders .
6 The plaintiff was unlawfully charged for making extracts from a parish register , and was held entitled to recover back the payments .
7 For the Music Room and dining area , a geometric effect in cream and indigo blue was chosen to help break up the space .
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