Example sentences of "[was/were] [art] [adv] [adj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Some of the things that were said last Sunday were the most severe I 've heard in my life .
2 I was the most nervous I have ever been .
3 God be my witness , that island was the most mysterious I had ever visited .
4 It was the most feeling I saw in him , apart from when describing some bitter wrangle in the London ad agency which had caused his walk-out and propelled him here .
5 His room was the most interesting I had been in up to then .
6 I had one letter , written after he got back to Darvel , in which he spoke of how our parting had affected him : ‘ You seemed so big-eyed and pathetic when I left , that it fairly caught my heart ; that exit was the most difficult I 've ever made in my life . ’
7 The speech he delivered at Labour Party 's headquarters in Walworth Road , at the moment he had confidently expected to be entering Downing St in triumph , was the most moving I have heard from any British politician since Churchill .
8 At last the rain held off and although the wind was a little strong I knew that I had to fly her .
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