Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] something [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 They were like something out of a nightmare .
2 And it was the most intricate interweaving of subjects and half-meanings and innuendos and so forth , and it was like something out of a Pirandello play .
3 Hari 's hands were suddenly still , the leather clinging to the last , while she tried to envisage herself wearing fine crinolines and rich jewels , it was like something out of a dream .
4 Sabrina always got a kick out of the swivelling bookcase ; it was like something out of a Boris Karloff film .
5 In The Observer , a normally wise and balanced political commentator outlined a vision of what the English countryside might become if abandoned to nature , which was like something out of a Dark Ages bestiary , a nightmarish waste of swamp and scrub , thick with rats , disease and the remains of derelict farm machinery .
6 It was like something out of a film set — and not the sort of film that was recommended for family viewing .
7 I was in something not unlike a mild state of shock .
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