Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [be] [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If speed reducing measures such as humps were to be applied to other residential roads , then all manner of surface treatments for safety and environmental improvement — including shared spaces where appropriate — become feasible .
2 A third objection which could be raised is that it would be undesirable if the suggested approach were to be applied to certain types of jurisdictional error .
3 To this statement Paschal added a series of directions to Anselm showing in detail how the decrees were to be applied to parochial churches and to ecclesiastical land held by lay service .
4 From that date , all foreign exchange receipts were to be surrendered to authorized banks at the official rates of exchange .
5 The implications of this question , transformed by the reprehensible way in which the administration of life imprisonment had developed over the intervening years , were to be subjected to critical review by a Lords Select Committee in 1988–9 .
6 Consequently , they were to be subjected to forced labour to pay the equivalent .
7 Once again all social workers in the Special Services Team were to be attached to special schools with under fives inevitably drawn into the specialist system again .
8 Western traders allowed into Japan were to be restricted to foreign settlements and other prescribed areas , but were to have the benefits of extraterritoriality , i.e. they were not to be subject to the laws of Japan , but any misdemeanour or problem ( including those that concerned Japanese ) was to be dealt with by a court presided over by the consul of the country of the national concerned .
9 Edward may well have been thinking of exploiting his Gascon possessions militarily , as well as financially , and the frequent references to military service in the Recogniciones were to be put to good use .
10 Eva 's voice lessons were to be put to good effect .
11 Mambo Leo was to be transferred to commercial ownership and to disappear shortly after independence , but other papers sponsored or produced by the Government took its place .
12 The same arrangement was to be extended to nuclear artillery shells when these too became available .
13 The Broad Sanctuary houses were common-place and unattractive , and it was ‘ an important question of principle ’ if this style was to be applied to other public building .
14 Priority to enter the USA was to be given to long-term refuseniks and those with close relatives in the USA .
15 Half-pay was to be granted to disbanded officers , to enable them to be recalled if necessary .
16 The opening day of the trial was to be devoted to legal arguments and Mr Beltrami , Moira , Meehan and myself turned up at the Courts of Justice to hear them .
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