Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The highest rates were for those charged with theft of or from a vehicle ( 23 per cent .
2 By September 1991 , the following titles were amongst those announced for autumn and spring publication .
3 The naïve , almost religious basis of belief in Hitler is clearly visible in such reports , which show too , however , that people were above all listening in Hitler 's speeches for hints of an early end to the war , and that his popular standing depended heavily upon the fulfilment of such hopes .
4 Entrance fees to foreigners with less than two years service on British ships were in 1889 set at £pound20 with the obvious intention of making the cost of membership prohibitive .
5 They were charged with treason and sentenced to death in 1983 , but following international condemnation the sentences were in 1984 commuted to life imprisonment [ see p. 33018 ] .
6 Two Canadian soldiers were among those hit by shrapnel .
7 William Passelewe , another King 's clerk , Hugh Passelewe and Simon Passelewe were among those appointed as Forest wardens at this time .
8 On June 17 Jordan launched an international appeal to halt the trials and to help save five Jordanians who were among those sentenced to death .
9 The directors of these two companies were among those appearing in court in March 1989 , although the political uncertainties during the year left the situation unresolved .
10 The schools selected for evaluation were among those identified by DCSLs as having made interesting and effective use of a Minor award .
11 He said some of Britain 's top engineering companies were among those criticised by students .
12 He said some of Britain 's top engineering companies were among those criticised by students .
13 Her activities were at first regarded with suspicion by headmistresses of local schools , so , to placate those who did not outright forbid their pupils to attend , she described her lessons as rhythmic exercises to music .
14 It appealed directly to aristocratic sporting interests , and the Zoological Gardens in Regent 's Park were at first restricted to members and their guests .
15 They did not wear much in the way of body protection or helmets ( early Frankish shield bosses were at first classified as helmets by early archaeologists ) .
16 The evocative China Heart , with its shifting layers of sound and teasing instrumental textures jumping dramatically into a demented tango , remained the best of the songs but none of them were at all suited to Fionna Duncan 's voice or delivery .
17 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
18 One self-described Heathite Tory said that the message from the doorsteps was of profound disillusion with Mrs Thatcher .
19 When the opposition took to arms to break the king 's affinity , Fordham was amongst those banished from court .
20 In learning exactly what they do , as well as what they think and feel , we get to know the two young men who affirm , for him , the indestructible spirit of man ( which , to Masefield , was above all symbolised by Troy as he saw it ) .
21 But his animosity was above all directed against Prince Alexander .
22 The cost of one SPS according to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration was in 1979 put at $25 billion while $30 billion would be required to set up the project .
23 After the Restoration Garway was in 1661 returned to Parliament for Chichester , and quickly became one of its most assiduous members .
24 Louis XIV was in 1691 persuaded by James to support a new attempt by the deposed monarch to regain his throne .
25 Poitevin favourites were appointed to key positions ; the Household clerk , Peter des Rivaux , was in 1232 appointed for life to be Chief Justice of the Forests of England , and also warden of the Forests of Clarendon , Gillingham and Dean .
26 Formerly part of the Ottoman Empire , Syria was in 1920 occupied by France under a League of Nations mandate ; it achieved full independence in 1946 .
27 Another fine eight-part composition , the motet ‘ Super flumina Babylonis ’ , was in 1583 sent by de Monte to William Byrd whom he must have met thirty years earlier during his visit to England as a member of Philip II 's chapel .
28 Some practitioners complained that it was to difficult to estimate in advance and could lead to aggressive underpricing which may affect the quality of the work .
29 The only one to suffer the loss of his land seems to have been the queen 's cousin Richard Haute , who was among those arrested at Stony Stratford .
30 The only one to suffer the loss of his land seems to have been the queen 's cousin Richard Haute , who was among those arrested at Stony Stratford .
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