Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [to-vb] [pron] by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For their parts , the RHA and the DHSS , since they were already implicated in the Banstead-Horton plan , were unlikely to jeopardize it by opposing the local exemption requested .
2 Woodhall farm were able to console themselves by retaining the Arcade team trophy .
3 I do n't like doing intarsia knitting but I do like ‘ picture front ’ jumpers and decided that it was possible to do them by using the slip stitch Fair Isle method .
4 There would nobody else willing to redeem us , but he was willing to redeem us by giving himself
5 And oh , we loved the intimacy of having them so close , close enough that when I rode my bicycle for ‘ Committee ’ through the ‘ vomitarium ’ separating one wedge of audience from the next I was able to steady myself by grasping the leg of a gentleman who had stretched it over the side .
6 Both arms plunged down into the water , but she was able to steady herself by pressing her hands on the stony bed .
7 Despite some losses in the final debacle in France , he was able to salvage something by selling lands unprofitably before the end ( 87 ) .3
8 Like most Birkbeck students , he was obliged to support himself by working at a job of some kind .
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