Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But only the radical pro-Soviet regimes in the Non-Aligned Movement were prepared to engage in such attacks .
2 He has dismissed warnings from the Office of Fine Arts that it is forbidden to deal in State property , quoting the former assistant secretary of state L. de Graaff , who in 1984 stated that the artists were free to do with these works as they wished .
3 Members were free to engage in any activities , whether using the name of the group or autonomously , and to adopt any tactic ( violent or otherwise ) as they saw fit .
4 Commitment , there was no doubt that they were willing to sacrifice for each other
5 A considerable number of wives were willing to participate in this substitution role and ATB staff should keep this alternative in mind .
6 In the end , EGBT were willing to put in more money for a more environmentally-friendly mode of working , and we agreed that the planings would be off-loaded at the end of the path , and then ferried in on dumper trucks .
7 They are defined in s.12(c) as listed securities or securities in respect of which , not more than six months prior to the breach in question , information indicating the prices at which persons have dealt or were willing to deal in those securities has been published for the purpose of facilitating deals in those securities .
8 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
9 Banks do n't like to admit that there employees let secrets escape from their computers , which is possibly why none of the individual banks were willing to appear in this programme .
10 Middlesbrough were fortunate to survive on this occasion .
11 Separated elements of electricity were supposed to act on each other instantaneously at a distance across empty space with a force depending on the separation and the motion of the elements .
12 sat back in her chair and brought out the list of words which you were supposed to know after each book .
13 Promotions in government service were likely to go to those officers who were able to make themselves useful politically , and if the connection between advancement and political activity was blatant in the case of Drummond , it was a link which long persisted , for even when revenue officers were deprived of the franchise , this did not materially alter the connection between holders of a revenue office and the politicians whose solicitations remained the usual route to advancement .
14 Cottages , however , were hard to find on that side .
15 They came here , they were recognised as ordinary human beings — as we are — and were happy to settle within this area .
16 I subsequently wrote to you thanking you for this most generous offer and explaining that we wanted to use them as prizes in a raffle but were unable to proceed at that time .
17 The jury , which spent more than six hours considering its verdicts , cleared Mason of threatening to kill Mr Hawes in a separate incident 18 days earlier , but were unable to agree on another charge of affray .
18 The Institutions Committee said that they were unable to comply with this request until further information was available about the progress of the National Health Service Bill .
19 The regional authorities in Wallonia , which were responsible for policy but dependent upon allocations ( based upon the number of pupils ) from central government , were unable to pay for such increases .
20 However , the numbers who were unable to share in this prosperity due to unemployment soared from 1.09m to 2.65m people .
21 The slope running down to the quarry-cliff was not steep , but its surface was very treacherous , consisting mostly of loose stones and shale , which were apt to slip under any movement .
22 I was talking to a civil servant in the Ministry of erm Energy the other day , and he said that he reckoned out of several hundred people working there there were about fifteen people who had a scientific or engineering background , and therefore were able to talk with some degree of expertise perhaps and certainly knowledge about the matters that they were discussing .
23 Although some US rugby enthusiasts were able to tap into these satellite transmissions to view the matches live , the majority have not seen the heroics of the best players in their sport .
24 Official toleration was denied only to Roman Catholics and episcopalian Anglicans , and in practice if they exercised discretion , they too were able to worship without much disturbance .
25 I would say the thing that kept me sane during that period was the fact that I had a part time job , and erm we were able to pay for some home help .
26 And because er we do have a quality assurance system in place although not certificated , er we were able to tender for that work .
27 ‘ They were able to speak to each other on the phone — he made gurgling noises to her .
28 While the course organisers were able to operate in this way in a majority of cases , for a small number of courses which either finished early in the year , or employer.based project work was being carried out over the summer months , organisers posted on the questionnaire on behalf of [ MS .
29 As soon as more advanced types evolved in response to a stimulating environment , they spread out around the world , driving earlier , more primitive forms into marginal locations where they were able to survive for some time before extinction .
30 The Nordic states were reluctant to enter into any kind of commitment , but would perhaps have been willing to follow a British lead , while in France and the Low Countries British participation was regarded as an indispensable guarantee of security against both a resurgence of German militarism and the shadowy threat of the Soviet Union .
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