Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [coord] that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Addressing the opening session , acting head of state Lt.-Col. Amadou Toumani Touré , who was elected chair of the conference , said that national reconciliation and tolerance were imperative and that it was the conference 's task to build unity and security .
2 However , the Senate foreign relations committee on Sept. 9 voted against the treaty , after a week of hearings at which most speakers backed the bases , on the grounds that the end of the Cold War meant that US military bases in the Philippines were redundant and that it was a " one-sided , unequal agreement " .
3 She held firm because she knew that the road to compromise was without signposts , that the possibilities for getting lost were manifold and that it was paved with flawed imitations of the truth .
4 I knew that he too would tell me I was wrong and that it was in another part of the country .
5 In fact , the next paper I sent him was called , if I remember rightly , ‘ The Poet — the Public — the Faith ’ , and I had dispatched it to a review called The Green Quarterly , the only recollection of which I have is that it was quarterly and that it was green .
6 She discovered the material was rotten and that it was contaminated .
7 I knew this was muddled and that it was not quite what I wanted to say , but I felt better for saying it .
8 He explained that Maidstone was ill and that it was essential to get inside the apartment to see how he was .
9 The Federal Republic of Germany filed an amicus brief arguing that the Convention was exclusive and that it was contrary to its spirit for the United States to circumvent the Convention .
10 The Court of Appeal held that his dismissal was fair and that it was not vitiated by a failure to consult him over the reorganisation .
11 So why was it and how come that Madame was claiming that the opposite was true and that it was her father who was the person out of favour ?
12 The changing age structure of the mid eighteenth century significantly increased the number of dependent children in the population and , as Dr Cunningham has pointed out , explains the coexistence of the two views that child employment was desirable and that it was insufficiently available .
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