Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [verb] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 However , connections were unfortunate to come up against a fine-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
2 They were all made up as a batch were n't they ?
3 It notes that if Intel Corp were able to come up with a way to drive 3.8m transistors without frying the chip to a frazzle , Pentium would look pretty good .
4 Much of the country was due to wake up to a teeth-chattering 4C ( 39F ) — six degrees lower than average — with ground frost in many parts of the South , Midlands and Scotland .
5 Jan had one problem with an actress who was due to throw up in a scene .
6 The Roman Catholics were interested that a combination between a Russian refugee , Georges Florovsky , an English high churchman , Michael Ramsey , and a dogmatic Swiss Protestant , Karl Barth , brought the ecumenical movement to an impasse because none of them was prepared to put up with a Protestant federation , and the union of these unlikely allies was too powerful to overcome .
7 I was fortunate to grow up at a time when imperial measurements were generally used , but science was special in being both imperial and metric .
8 However , he was unfortunate to come up against a finely-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
9 but you see with him you see , they , it was packed , the house before the wake was packed , because Margaret kept coming over when he was all dressed up in a suit and everything , I did n't , she asked me if , once to go , I just said no I would prefer to remember
10 she said it was all packed up in a box and I said well you would n't see it then would you ?
11 The pilot , who was later court martialled , was unable to pull up from a dive and ploughed into the ground .
12 Certainly the Home Office was unable to come up with a convincing case against such scrutiny by a House which is ‘ elected to protect the democratic rights of [ the ] people ’ .
13 After a while , he was able to sit up in a chair , although he was still too weak to walk .
14 In 1982 the Institute of Hydrology carried out trials on the Trannon , and in 1986 was able to come up with a number of constructive lessons to be learned from this sorry story .
15 It was a ritual that distressed Anna Essinger and her staff but , given the pressure to move the children out of the camp so that others could take their places , nobody was able to come up with a better alternative to what was known as ‘ the market ’ .
16 He felt his way across the joists in front of him , got his legs free from the cupboard and was able to get up into a crouch , balancing on a joist , hands just above his head , holding on to rough , undressed wood .
17 Pepsi outlined the problems behind their new style : ‘ It was difficult coming up with a look that was original , that did n't look like Kylie or Madonna but retained their strength — I think we 've cracked it though . ’
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