Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] a [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pauline and Chris Russell were given a hi-fi for Christmas .
2 At one point it would have been reasonable to assume that Durham SC were staging a convention for knee and ankle supports as nearly 80 combatants rolled up for battle .
3 When I spoke to Andrew , he and Wendy were tending a farm for friends away on holiday .
4 So far as individual counselling on sexual matters is concerned , schools are advised that whilst pastoral care of pupils is an important aspect of the teacher 's role , parents are expected to play their part , so that if a pupil were to approach a teacher for advice the teacher should , wherever possible , encourage the pupil to seek it from his/her parent whilst at the same time warning the pupil of the risks attached to the pupil 's behaviour .
5 The Frenchmen claimed they were making a film for tunnel owner Eurotunnel but were detained after crossing into the British sector .
6 Landlords not only were assessed on their directly occupied land but were constantly calling for relief for tenants , for whom increasing poor rates were setting a ceiling for rents .
7 They had also established contact with 40 men under Major Chisholm who were organising a base for patrols from Memo , but contact had not yet been made with Australia , the powerful radio stations on the mainland 's north coast drowning out signals from Timor .
8 Some of those who attacked ministers ' devotion to the ‘ social gospel ’ were attacking a penchant for education bills , county council elections and slum clearance , but they would not have been as upset by a renewed campaign for disestablishment , which , no less than educational reform , could not be achieved without political action .
9 It was not until the Basque iron deposits were exploited by foreign capital , instead of by the archaic techniques of the Basque miners , that Spain was to acquire a substitute for wool .
10 ‘ I was knitting a jumper for Nora , ’ she said .
11 Said Paul McKane : ‘ My wife was cooking a burger for Stuart on the grill .
12 The similar move by Singapore followed allegations that the country was becoming a centre for trade in endangered species .
13 His patent application for ‘ Apparatus for Brewing and Distilling ’ ( no. 5,974 ) is dated 1830 , and he was granted a patent for Ireland for only fourteen years from 1831 .
14 Sydney Doran , 25 , was serving a sentence for robbery and theft at the time of the disturbance two years ago .
15 In 1884 he was made a JP for London , Westminster , and Middlesex , and in 1889 he became an alderman of Middlesex county council .
16 Ex-Bauhaus director Walter Gropius was to design a Totaltheater for Piscator 's productions .
17 W.G. Grace was taking part in a match for London County against Warwickshire , opening the batting with W.L. Murdoch and playing in a fashion which reminded contemporary reporters of his heyday , and C.B. Fry was scoring a century for Sussex .
18 The blazer badge reinforced the ‘ capture of bodies ’ philosophy which had sustained our earlier lives , but was created at the same time that I was compiling a paper for presentation at the national BMA police surgeons ' conference .
19 I was conducting a search for arms . ’
20 Mr Hignet [ the tobacco baron ] was holding a fete for charity .
21 They 're taking it away so was doing a tape for grandma and granddad and Keith was going , he was going hello grandma and granddad it 's Kenny you know like the three of them and he was going , whoop whoop whoop oh da !
22 About three years ago I was running a workshop for students training to be secondary teachers at the Institute of Education in London , something I and colleagues have been doing annually for the last ten years or so .
23 He telephoned his secretary from Heathrow to say he was boarding a flight for New York . ’
24 Asked how the impasse was overcome a spokesman for ICL Moscow says : ‘ It was by us taking a firm line .
25 In 1536 , when the court of augmentations was established to deal with the lands acquired by the Crown through the dissolution of the smaller monasteries , Stumpe was appointed a receiver for north Wales , with a generous travelling allowance besides his salary of £20 p.a .
26 Professor Morrison , deputy senior partner at KPMG Peat Marwick , was awarded a CBE for services to accountancy .
27 She spent much time in Geneva , working on behalf of the women 's disarmament committee , which was preparing a petition for disarmament prior to the Geneva disarmament conference of 1932 .
28 ‘ The icebreaker Otso was clearing a passage for ships through the ice .
29 Miss Miller was answering a plea for advice by Steve Reese , 28 , who moved to Bristol after his home in Newcastle upon Tyne was repossessed — and then saw his photographic business collapse as interest rates ‘ went daft ’ .
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