Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 SINCE Raymond Fletcher and David Howes joined forces nine volumes ago the game has been well served statistically by the Rothmans Rugby League Yearbook , and the standard remains impressively high .
2 The recently launched G M B , T and G information pack on the acquired rights directive has been well received all over the country and a revised pack is available here at Congress today , giving negotiators and stewards the latest information and arguments to use to protect members ' jobs and conditions .
3 Timber has been well used here in a number of different ways .
4 Use of condoms has been enthusiastically advocated locally among the Thai people .
5 This view , that the wars in Croatia and Bosnia are no concern of the 400,000-odd ethnic Hungarians in Yugoslavia , mostly concentrated in the Serbian province of Vojvodina , has been repeatedly expressed both by ethnic Hungarian organisations in Yugoslavia and by the Budapest government .
6 The recent sediments contain soot characteristic of fuel-oil , which has been extensively used only since 1940 , and magnetic particles which , says Battarbee , ‘ are predominantly spherical and can be identified as power station fly-ash . ’
7 The second class of superantigens has been clearly defined only in the mouse .
8 The , it was officially launched in London yesterday at Ken 's House , unfortunately neither of the two officer 's could go , it was rather short notice , but it has been officially launched now as a national thing .
9 Therefore , if were incorrectly derived from an acoustic waveform that in fact corresponded to an intended production of thanks for sending me your letter , the syntactic/semantic component would not only have to reject all the improbable competitors such as thanks force ending knee your letter , but also to identify that the word knee has been incorrectly derived instead of me .
10 But it might well be thought that if a procession has been regularly held even for such a comparatively short period of time , the police are aware that it is likely to take place , and it is therefore outside the rationale behind the advance notification requirement .
11 The Labour Party course has been deliberately misrepresented both by the government and by much of the press .
12 Scotland 's position has been fully exposed recently by peers of both parties in the House of Lords where the Government , represented by Earl Howe , confirmed its determination to avoid causing ‘ unnecessary hardship ’ to the few part-time English drift-netters .
13 It has been very stretched lengthways on the machine and needs a couple of hours to recover .
14 Regrettably this has been amply highlighted recently in many parts of the world where coastal deforestation has led to turbid conditions on adjacent reefs .
15 Their statement that ‘ the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas ’ ( 1970/1846 : 64 ) has been much quoted both by Marxists and non-Marxists .
16 In the words of Winston Churchill , who has been much quoted already in the debate : ’ We are with Europe but not of it .
17 As things stand , the existing evidence has been wildly over-interpreted both by Shepher and by others who have uncritically accepted his conclusions ( e.g. Lumsden & Wilson , 1981 ; van den Berghe , 1982 ) .
18 Martial law , expected by many to continue at least until the Asian Games in September , has been formally ended both in Beijing and Lhasa , though the troops remain ( mid-May ) , the first anniversaries had passed without significant incident .
19 The rubbish that 's been legally dumped here over the years has now caught fire .
20 And now it 's been lovingly found again by the management of the hotel to welcome him .
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