Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pos pn] [noun sg] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
2 Yet the Tutor 's capitulation to Natalia reveals her power over every man she meets as well as his failure to withstand her wiles .
3 awful cos I 'm first-aided I usually get , I 'm the , the lucky person who hangs his head over a sink and sends him home again
4 Then it takes its place over a period of time within the wider teaching of the principles , planning and practice of worship , enabling the ordinand to explore the theological and practical importance of music in an appropriate context .
5 Harbour commissioner Frank Sluman said : ‘ The sea is a cruel master and it takes its toll over the years . ’
6 An elderly man with camping equipment hurls his rucksack over the crowd into the doorway , for there is not enough room for him and his luggage to get through the stampede .
7 She throws her nightgown over the tube , like a white , tasselled theatre-curtain .
8 Many were killed — as they are still being killed today — for refusing to join the army 's Civil Patrol Units by which the military strengthens its grip over the countryside .
9 The 30-year-old plant , a Russo-Indian collaboration , sends its pollution over the countryside , filtering the sun through perpetual cloud .
10 Zero threads his way over the straw mat floor , a high-tech junkyard of old computer circuit-boards , obsolete monitors , fiveinch disk drives and a spluttering coffee-maker .
11 Clearly , the circuit behaves as a rejection filter and figure 8.8(c) gives its response over a range of frequencies either side of the rejection frequency .
12 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
13 In contrast to the early scenes , Anderson violates the agreement maxim , arguing that he " was n't invited to give a particular paper " and his reformulation of the chairman 's description of his action being a " discourtesy " into being merely " bad manners " implies his disagreement over the enormity of his transgression .
14 Mark puts his hand over the mouthpiece .
15 It has been noted that the grounds on which the miller 's wife strikes her husband over the head with a staff as he fights with John are somewhat absurdly contrived : This can be interpreted as the contrived excuse for the wife to help her welcome lover to escape , as appears in some continental analogues of the tale .
16 Already his political obituaries are being prepared , as he considers his future over the weekend before making a statement on Monday .
17 The man in white drags her body over the rock and lays it face down in the centre .
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