Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [noun sg] of [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 A distinction must also be made between agroforestry and plantation forestry ; the former involves the integration of silviculture with agricultural systems while the latter is entirely given over to timber production .
2 In her mind she associates the act of translation with transubstantiation through a chain of associations ( see 13/407,20/414,112/506,139/533,164/558 ) , and the lapse in her relations with God corresponds to similar ‘ flaws ’ in her use of language .
3 The literary tradition associates the beginning of painting with Corinth and neighbouring Sicyon .
4 Heavy Dance : This is a very old dance with music and rhythm reminiscent of African dances and denotes the crushing of grapes with the feet .
5 The excess of these women in GP referrals , it might be argued , represents the excess of women with children seen in general practice ( Shepherd et al . ,
6 Don John of Austria wins the battle of Lepanto with a bravura which far exceeds the brio described in G.K. Chesterton 's poem .
7 Next to the thin chalk downs in Wiltshire lies the Vale of Pewsey with its superb deep greensand .
8 In other cases an emission standard may control the nature of the fuel burned : for example , in the case of sulphur dioxide emissions , an emission standard to limit the sulphur dioxide emitted per unit of fuel burned specifies the use of coal with a low sulphur content-say , 1 per cent by weight .
9 It provides fundamental understanding of the inner dealings of organisations , and through the comparative study highlights the relationship of organisations with their wider environment .
10 It simply highlights the problem of language with some visitors .
11 It is clearly of the utmost importance to UK businesses to know in competition matters the status of communications with their lawyers , given the Commission 's wide powers of investigation .
12 In fact he probably stands a round of beers with his mates every now and then on the strength of his unrequited schoolboy romance with a fluffy little classmate who grew up into a sexy , albeit pintsized superstar .
13 He accuses a ‘ small band ’ of top clubs of working against the rest within the Premier League and wants a boycott of dealings with them .
14 ( May 15th ) contains a number of statements with which I take issue .
15 Luckily he has a stash of stones with which to protect himself .
16 She has a couple of children with her and a third on the way .
17 Each has a sense of affinity with the other .
18 Or , if you 're travelling by foot or want to be seen clubbing , Red or Dead has a range of shoes with luminous soles at £50 , from 61 Neal St , London WC2 ; Royal Exchange , Manchester ; 6 Slater St , Liverpool
19 IMRO ( Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation ) has a degree of commonality with the TSA and AFDB and may be the subject of further consolidation of SROs in the future .
20 Read Quiller-Couch on this word ; he has a bit of fun with it .
21 Lawrence in again , bowls , ooh , and has a bit of trouble with this one , gets it on the bottom of the bat from which it bobbles away , it 's a short leg , and there 's no run .
22 She has a lot of fun with Vogue 's heartless frivolity , Paul Theroux ( ‘ I 'd suggest a vasectomy ’ ) and the Surrealists ( ‘ What did these young people do with themselves when they were not engaged in the revolutionary act of sleep ? ’ ) .
23 Mayhew , who has a lot of contact with players at first class and international level , maintains he knows of no first-class players in New Zealand using steroids or performance-enhancing drugs .
24 Whatever Romania 's military aspirations , Bucharest certainly has a record of carelessness with nuclear materials .
25 The Chart Show just has a succession of videos with graphics in between .
26 He buys off Jingle after his elopement with Miss Wardle , acts as Slumkey 's agent in the Eatanswill election , and after handling Pickwick 's defence in Mrs Bardell 's action for breach of promise , secures his release from the Fleet , and later negotiates the payment of costs with Dodson and Fogg .
27 Brian Johnson in The Secret War describes the volume of material with which Bletchley had to deal : ‘ Nothing was too small ; everything , however trivial , was collated and filed in a huge card-index containing hundreds of thousands of names , units , postings , supply requisitions , details of promotions , courts martial and leave of absence .
28 Daniel Day-Lewis grabs the part of Hawkeye with both hands and becomes transformed as the buckskin-clad , 18th century equivalent of Rambo , with knife and tomahawk ready .
29 It describes a sort of U-shape with one ‘ arm ’ smartly clipped round like a scythe blade and is famed for its south wall of light-sensitive iris diaphragms , which echo the Muslim mashrabiya ( fretwork ) wall .
30 The theory discussed last , in a similar spirit , links the idea of particularity with the idea of a " unitary spatio-temporal framework " .
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