Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [noun] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The conclusion upsets the superiority of metaphor over metonymy : In what sense metonymic ?
2 Moreover , the committee , to be commended for having conducted its extensive researches and drawn its conclusions within a few months , has the advantage of immediacy over the Clark and Palmer committees , which sat over so long a period , in a rapidly changing environment , that eventually no one who was still able to recall the original brief was sure whether it was still relevant to the prevailing situation .
3 The MoD has the power of veto over all British arms exports .
4 Such treatment of the ‘ model ’ further reinforces the dominance of object over likeness .
5 Where an innkeeper exercises the right of lien over the property of a guest , the innkeeper owes to the guest whose property the innkeeper is retaining a duty to take reasonable care of the property in question .
6 The Congress exercises a degree of control over the General People 's Committee , which is broadly equivalent to a Council of Ministers or Cabinet .
7 The Congress exercises a degree of control over the General People 's Committee , which is broadly equivalent to a Council of Ministers or Cabinet .
8 The secondary ( vertical ) line is used to fire the shutter and also exercises a measure of control over the kite train .
9 As a result of the ‘ legal ’ relationships involved between LEA , governing body and headteacher , the head reserves a right of veto over management-board decisions .
10 It is irrelevant to argue , as Robert Kilpatrick does , that the GMC has no power of regulation over unqualified practitioners .
11 It also has a couple of sockets over the ears where you can plug in what is to all effects a stethoscope . ’
12 In both craft and continuous-flow production the worker has a sense of control over the work process , claims Blauner .
13 Unlike France , however , the parliament is not constitutionally supine ; indeed it has a degree of control over policy which some might envy , although this is more a result of governmental weakness than anything else .
14 Ah , so the the child 's mind is uncluttered , it 's more easily able to erm , observe things , take in things , learn things , and has a lot of advantages over us older , us adults .
15 It will be noticed that the personal sector has a surplus of receipts over expenditure of £500 million , the public sector has a deficit of £1,500 million , the external sector has a surplus amounting to £1,000 million , and the industrial and commercial sector is in balance .
16 An innkeeper , as we have seen , is under a duty to provide reasonable refreshment if so required and accommodation to a traveller ; hence , the innkeeper has a right of lien over a traveller 's property as well as over a guests ' to ensure that the traveller 's bill is duly paid .
17 Trial work suggests that the technique has a number of advantages over other forms of injection .
18 An alternative approach which has a number of advantages over linear control systems , is the switching regulator , or as it is more usually known , the ‘ switch-mode power supply ’ .
19 But Bourdieu 's notion of structure ( partly because it includes agency ) in modernity has a number of advantages over these other analysts .
20 Special thesaurus software has a number of advantages over the alternative , which is usually the use of a database package or a word processing package to store terms .
21 The most promising of these techniques , the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) has a number of advantages over more conventional methods .
22 The non-professional also has a number of advantages over professional services .
23 Table II shows the pattern of recurrence over the entire period of follow up in patients with corrosive strictures .
24 This is a delightful , funny , quirky old thriller , belting along on high octane enthusiasm and using its copious quantities of High Tech to dress up a more human story which gleefully sings the praises of Spirit over Machine .
25 It is an explicit sense of continuing self which includes a sense of responsibility over time ( ‘ 1 did that ’ ) and , beneath this , a deep sense of psychological continuity ( ‘ I remember having that experience ’ , ‘ I was there then ’ ) .
26 As a corollary of this emphasis on managerial control , installation of this microelectronics technology reveals a lack of concern over the liberties and rights of building occupants which is similar to that displayed by Bentham in the design of his Panopticon .
27 For example , take a company which displays a doubling of turnover over a five-year period using a column graph ( vertical bar chart ) .
28 The period affects all young people and involves a series of stages over a number of years , which are influenced by social and economic status .
29 It privileges the music which Adorno chooses as best representing the contradictory whole — thus alongside Beethoven and the tradition following him other kinds of music ( Berlioz , Rossini , Verdi , Elgar , Stravinsky , Eisler , let alone Lehár , Louis Armstrong , Walter Donaldson or Elvis Presley ) are inevitably presented as partial , that is to say more socially specific , less autonomous ; it also reduces the possibility of struggle over the specific uses and meanings of musical materials and forms : competing ‘ viewpoints ’ are dismissed as ‘ regressive ’ or ‘ false ’ .
30 Because the faculty receives an excess of applications over places available , having the grades listed in the table of course requirements does not mean that a place will necessarily be offered .
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