Example sentences of "[vb -s] [coord] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The wall is not as steep as it looks and a pleasing sequence of stretches and foot-changes , made all the more enjoyable by more excellent protection , leads to a stopping place just short of the arête .
2 Moreover , Kalmar contains but a small part of the total final assembly facilities within the Volvo enterprise .
3 It opens and a young man with a bald head looks up , too startled to speak , from a desk draped in yards of printout .
4 In such forms it seems but a short step from saying that the courts are also our only effective guardians against the evils of socialism .
5 Wordsworth took the materialist philosophy of Locke and Hartley which had sufficed the eighteenth century , and changed round the terms , writing in positive instead of negative signs Instead of a dead universe described in terms of machines from which the Creator had departed , he proposed a living universe called ‘ Nature ’ described in terms of growth and organic life , which was being continuously created by a God who was inextricably involved in all its parts Whereas in Locke the mind at birth was ‘ a white paper ’ , with no innate ideas , in Wordsworth the mind retains in early childhood some consciousness of a pre-existent state ; in Locke the mind passively receives impressions from the senses , but in but in Wordsworth the mind actively perceives and a creative power within the mind organizes the multitude of chaotic sense impressions into a partial picture of the world .
6 The momentum following the creation of this region continues and a high level of activity has been maintained .
7 On the other hand … if the artist becomes but a mechanical cog in the constantly revolving schedule , then the show becomes something less than artistic .
8 He neither gains an ally nor sweetens an enemy , and say she brings but a token household with her , yet it will cost him dear to keep them .
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