Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] over [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead there is a designer 's travelogue : the production ( no director is listed , but Nigel Jamieson heads the company ) veers all over the Far East and indeed round to the Caribbean .
2 The delicate stone arcade ( 1896 by Clifton ) stands partly over the public pavement .
3 This happens only over a limited Reynolds number range .
4 The assumption made is that the capital gain or loss occurs evenly over the remaining life of the bond .
5 " And the beauty of it , " he says now over a cold beer in a Manhattan restaurant , " was that I did n't know any better .
6 It leads unerringly over an intervening ridge and descends to the A.82 at the head of Glen Coe , providing excellent views throughout .
7 He travels extensively over the Old World , opening relations with the Empire , Bretonnia and even the Dwarfs .
8 Dawn creeps reluctantly over the south-eastern horizon to outline the rounded grey hills and a lead-coloured sea .
9 If all goes well over the previous weekend their namesake ‘ North Downs ’ will be in steam .
10 Strach is normally the epitomy of that and swarms all over the right back area in and around the box .
11 The mesenchyme does seem to contract to a modest extent , but more importantly , the epidermis clearly moves inwards over the marked mesenchyme cells .
12 This continues iteratively over the possible candidates so that letter strings approach the length of the input string , illegal possibilities are ruled out and likelihoods re-computed to produce ordered resultant candidate words .
13 The mobile phase flows continuously over the stationary phase and as it does so separates the components on the stationary phase .
14 Stress it is which poisons the innocent spangles of daisies , dissonantly warps the song of the idiot birds or leers gibberingly over the useless privet .
15 A rough scramble alongside leads up into the upper reaches of the beck ; here is an untidy tumble of boulders fallen from the enclosing heights but there is one gem where , just above the waterfall , the stream slides smoothly over an immense slab of naked limestone .
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