Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [prep] the [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 My father still lives there in the house where I grew up . ’
2 Mr Wallace 's shadow lies heavily across the state where he was governor for four terms and where his wife Lurleen ( who has a museum to herself , complete with wax mannequins wearing her clothes ) was governor for one .
3 The track climbs steadily through the woodland where the yew trees are of special interest .
4 This chapter deals principally with the situation where the husband and the wife hold the matrimonial home in their joint names ( whether as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common ) and , as a result of property adjustments , the husband 's interest in the home is conveyed or transferred to the wife 's new husband or friend .
5 Immediately the archer fish has fired , it swims rapidly to the point where its prey will fall into the water , ready to catch and eat it .
6 This third category of doubt strikes just at the point where the Christian is strong in faith but weak in faith 's foundations .
7 He runs away to the city where he is taken in by The Old Lady .
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