Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [be] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 The concept of field dependence was first discussed by Witkin ( 1950 ) and has since been discovered to be a relatively stable trait of the individual .
2 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
3 In fact , Dunrossness has long been considered to be the most fertile and agriculturally productive area in the whole of Shetland .
4 So that was what I was doing in Baldersdale — looking for survivors in what has long been known to be a botanically rich area .
5 Formation of clusters with unprimed T cells has thus been shown to be a functional feature of dendritic cells ; this may explain the striking appearance of S-100 protein + cells in Peyer 's patches , which are considered important sites for induction of primary immune responses .
6 The stationary state has just been taken to be one in which population is stationary .
7 Singer 's utilitarianism , for example , has already been seen to be eminently manipulable .
8 Thirdly , the only course of action if some form of handicap is detected , is to have an abortion , as the handicap has already been shown to be present in the foetus .
9 But this general expectation has already been shown to be misleading in his approach to the monastic life of the community at Canterbury .
10 The mythopoeic power of music has already been shown to be a decisive force in Greek literary history .
11 There is a rapidly growing body of literature supporting the efficacy of MRI for evaluating patients with bone marrow malignancy , and the technique has already been shown to be highly sensitive for detecting bone marrow metastases even in the absence of abnormal pain radiographs , conventional computed tomograms and radionuclide studies .
12 The principal problem about them has generally been said to be that of their meaning or semantics .
13 In Western civilization this has generally been considered to be Christianity , as this is the religion which has most powerfully moulded the values and beliefs on which society is based , just as in a Muslim country for example the religion to be handed on would be Islam .
14 For day to day purposes a knowledge of the following has generally been found to be useful to practising managers :
15 In the 1970s a series of controlled trials compared the drug with other neuroleptics , and whereas no other drug has ever been shown to be more effective than chlorpromazine ( Largactil ) , clozapine was found to be so in six out of thirteen studies .
16 The fact that a prominent member of the current community council and an integrated education supporter was a member of official Sinn Fein , the Workers ' party , appeared to figure in the reasoning , as this party has always been suspected to be an anti-clerical and secularist force .
17 That content too has always been felt to be linked to the aesthetic in some way — though again as of late , in theoretical studies this has not been examined .
18 Empirically , the assumption of constant interest rates has usually been found to be an acceptable approximation .
19 Steve Strydom , of the Orange Free State , has probably been seen to be too ambitious and Dr. Nick Labuschagne , until recently mentioned as the most likely successor to Craven , was ousted as his Union 's president in March .
20 Oesophageal transit measured by scintigraphic techniques has similarly been shown to be slower in this condition .
21 In your advert give the name of the person to whom the reply is to be made since this has also been found to be a positive factor in encouraging people to reply .
22 It has also been found to be a source of one of the major ingredients of the contraceptive pill .
23 The International Air Transport Association has also been held to be subject to the EC competition rules for the same reason .
24 This respect for authority has appeared throughout the examples given , but it has also been shown to be a respect within certain limits .
25 Garlic extract has also been shown to be a valuable first line of defence against oral thrush .
26 In addition to its biological activities in stimulating platelets and neutrophils , and enhancing vascular permeability , exogenous platelet activating factor has also been shown to be a potent ulcerogen , inducing extensive gastric mucosal damage and hamorrhage associated with septic shock .
27 The POU domain has also been shown to be important for protein-protein interactions ( 55 ) .
28 Metaphor has traditionally been taken to be a one-word device , or at most a figure of several words strung together , whereas Brooke-Rose 's analyses concentrate instead on metaphor 's work at the level of the phrase or sentence .
29 The distribution of price changes or returns has often been found to be leptokurtic .
30 However , staphylokinase has now been found to be more potent than streptokinase for the dissolution of platelet-rich arterial eversion graft thrombi ; moreover , it seems to be less immunogenic .
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