Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [noun sg] of [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This obviously begs the question of when a duty exists .
2 If future policy decides to abandon the flat-rate community charge , this reopens the question of how a more progressive local tax should be designed .
3 Wesley has an explanation of why the believer can not explain to the unbeliever what he or she has learned by faith .
4 Answer guide : This raises the question of when the earnings process is complete and in this case it would seem that the process is not going to be completed therefore no entries need to be made .
5 All this raises the question of why the Reagan administration wants to quit the business of satellites in the first place .
6 Because we do not know who owns Delion we do not know who bought the property , which raises the question of why the purchasers want to remain anonymous .
7 But that just raises the question of where the energy came from .
8 The observed structure of apoR2 raises the question of how a polypeptide can fold into a globular protein with an interior of several carboxyl residues ( Fig. 3 b ) , a situation that may be analogous to carboxyl group clustering in , for example , some ion channels .
9 Yet we must hold on to the basic idea that science discovers the truth of how the world works .
10 Yet he offers no account of how the language of the group could have attained such complexity of structure from the humble ( albeit highly intentional ) beginnings he had been discussing earlier .
11 The point , however , is that to build a house that stands up requires a knowledge of where every bit goes and what it does — and that knowledge is an order of magnitude and greater than one would have been able to guess at .
12 They 're not encrypted , they 're simply strung together into one file per disk ( BACKUP.001 ) while a small file , CONTROL.001 , keeps a record of where the files came from — which directory and so on .
13 Use of trade exhibitions is on the increase and firms increasingly need to establish a more scientific method of managing this function as it requires an understanding of how an exhibition stand communicates itself to the public .
14 Offe 's account of the state has to be distinguished from ‘ capital derivative ’ versions and offers an account of why the state favours capital within capitalism by pointing out that as the state apparatus depends on revenues drawn from capitalist accumulation , it depends on stable accumulation for its own functioning .
15 Westwood offers an account of how the structures of gender , ethnicity and class fit together for a specific group of women workers .
16 And David in , that psalm which we read earlier , in psalm twenty three , he paints the picture of how the good shepherd , not only seeks out the lost sheep but once he has brought him back , once he has rescued the , a lost sheep , he care for it .
17 This might be an understandable reaction in someone who has endured an afternoon of flag and whistle , but it misses the point of why the law was framed .
18 This demands an examination of how the courts have interpreted shareholder interests , and a consideration of the theoretical and practical consequences of the modifications to the model .
19 The second part of our series on the agency tells the story of how the photographs were taken , and how the agency came to own them .
20 It resolves the puzzle of why the Earth cooled even while the concentration of carbon dioxide was continuing to grow exponentially , and all it requires is a peak change in solar luminosity of just 0.28 per cent over the 76-year cycle , producing a maximum influence on surface temperatures on Earth of only 0.28°C .
21 John Lyons ( ‘ Trade unions plugged in ’ Management Today , January 1991 ) gives a glimpse of how the thinking of some senior trade union officials in Britain remains stuck in the dark ages .
22 The above procedure gives a flavour of how the assumption of rational expectations can be used to give a model of the term structure of interest rates which can be tested .
23 Your Z88 user guide gives an explanation of how the Z88 works , what commands are available , how to run programs , etc — please read it .
24 In his valuable and revealing Diaries of a Cabinet Minister R. H. S. Crossman gives an account of how the Labour Cabinet of which he was a member had to decide whether to allow an oil company to build a refinery on Canvey Island in Essex .
25 That immediately poses the question of why the TCCB opted to concentrate on impressing the Test nations with large financial guarantees , instead of copying the logical example of the sub-Continent and targetting the associates ?
26 Patterning poses the problem of how the cells know what to do , how to behave .
27 But pages later , there arises the question of where the weapon came from .
28 Free estimates are available on request and a videotape provides a demonstration of how the system works .
29 The history of Judaism provides an example of how an organised religion can completely fail to live up to its promises and yet be stubbornly adhered to , its followers being prepared to accept and support with blind acceptance , whatever excuses or explanations are offered for those failures by the hierarchy .
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