Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [be] so [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If this is my last word on the subject , I 'm sorry it has to be so close to bathos , but that 's how I feel .
2 It also seems to be so wide in scope that it could encompass almost anything .
3 There are several fabliaux in which the explicit moral seems to be so incongruous in relation to the narrative it accompanies as to be facetious , if not sarcastic .
4 Cos I said I 'm really surprised , I said I thought you must come at least every week cos she seems to be so confident in the water .
5 And what I find interesting is that it 's the sheer vitality of the English sound — it 's not just the Liverpool sound , it 's the English sound — the vitality , the sensuality , the letting one 's hair down quality , that is exactly what the Continentals admired in Dunstable , and strangely enough in a way what Elgar 's got — this incredible sort of desire not to be over formal and to break down certain formal barriers which seems to be so characteristic of English music .
6 If the Minister claims to be so concerned about the consumer , can he explain why his right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , at the National Farmers Union annual general meeting last month , produced a list of nearly 100 regulations from the Ministry and promised to discuss their relevance and implementation with the farmers ?
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