Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] given [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 One example of an hypothesis which has been given serious attention in recent years is the possible link between electromagnetic fields generated by high-voltage power lines or supply cables and ill health .
2 The evaluation of primary source material has been given increasing emphasis in recent years , most notably with changes such as GCSE or National Curriculum history .
3 The Bill has been given extensive consideration in another place — a total of about 65 hours , including four days in Committee and three days on Report .
4 The neoclassical synthesis , which had started life as a series of ‘ in theory , what would happen if … ? ’ questions , has been given operational teeth in the new classical economics .
5 Another facet of the problem of rural services , which has been given considerable publicity in England , is the demise of the village retail store due to economies of scale and retailing and stringent food hygiene regulations .
6 Maintenance Manager — this role has been given considerable status in this example ; it could have been placed in a subordinate position to the Manufacturing Manager , where it is frequently to be found .
7 ‘ Linking ’ and ‘ intrusive ’ are special cases of juncture ; this name refers to the relationship between one sound and the sounds that immediately precede and follow it , and has been given some importance in phonological theory .
8 The department 's work has been given top ratings in both UGC/UFC research reviews .
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