Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] [adv] [vb pp] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the argument is highly teleological and incapable of scientific proof , but it has been rigorously defended by brilliant minds and can not be lightly dismissed .
2 Because of the variety and confusion of possibilities and responsibilities after the compulsory school period the need for a guide has been widely recognised by young people and their families .
3 For this reason , the footnote-reference system has been widely displaced by other accepted techniques , such as the system which we now describe , and which we would recommend .
4 Declining heavy industry has been partly replaced by small engineering firms and some light industry .
5 ‘ This profit has been partly achieved by increasing output and meeting tight expenditure budgets , ’ said Mr Hann .
6 Since the collapse of Leyland-Daff the only entrance to its sales headquarters has been partly blocked by heavy trucks .
7 The scheme — intended to let the public draw directly on scientific knowledge — has been partly prompted by recent panic over the contamination of food by listeria and salmonella , public concern about how to store and cook food , and issues such as food preservation through irradiation .
8 The range of general categories of need has been well covered by existing literature .
9 The speech has been well received by Muslim leaders throughout Britain … in Oxford its being hailed as milestone in race relations .
10 AI 's documentation has been well received by non-governmental organisations and the press inside Peru .
11 So in turning to social processes outside employment , we are shifting to a sphere of study which has been well trodden by urban sociology .
12 Staff morale has been badly affected by past reorganisation and by the poor ‘ leaves on the line ’ and ‘ wrong-kind-of-snow ’ publicity .
13 The unravelling of communism in Eastern Europe and the USSR has shown that if anything the notion of total control exercised by an all-knowing state has been badly overplayed by Cold Warriors .
14 This dramatic reduction has been accompanied by a major change in course provision ; during recent years , the three-year Certificate of Education course , followed for a minority of students by a fourth year leading to a Bachelor of Education degree , has been completely replaced by integrated three- and four-year courses leading to ordinary and honours BEd degrees respectively .
15 He said : ‘ It is significant that this astonishing statement is released on the day the Princess of Wales returns from an important official visit to South Korea which has been completely overshadowed by renewed speculation over the couple 's marriage .
16 Is it not a fact that everyone in the Home Office associated with this case has been properly advised by qualified lawyers , that the facts that my right hon. Friend had produced to the House today are not in dispute and that the issue is one of constitutional importance only ?
17 His sonorous voice and deliberate utterance may to a great extent account for this but it should also be remarked that as Highbury Quadrant was the first church to introduce the Electrophone , perfection has been probably acquired by long practice in the details requisite to success . ’
18 Completion of the plant has been bitterly opposed by environmental campaigners , who criticise the government for favouring nuclear power at a time when other European nations are phasing it out .
19 The only other black head coach in NFL history was ‘ Fritz ’ Pollard more than 60 years ago and for years the NFL has been repeatedly criticised by American civil-rights groups for its failure to name a black head coach from its ranks of qualified assistants .
20 Furthermore , trade policy has been largely defined by successive governments of both parties in terms of the need to remove barriers to its free development .
21 The company is hoping to cash in on a niche — fault-tolerant personal computing — that has been largely overlooked by traditional players like Tandem Computer Inc and Stratus Computer Inc , by offering low cost PC-based fault-tolerant systems to the market .
22 Vibrational spectroscopy has been extensively used by inorganic chemists since about 1940 , particularly with the development of infra-red ( IR ) and Raman spectrometers that are reliable and easy to use .
23 He has been verbally slaughtered by English fans and English press alike .
24 It has been little affected by sex-discrimination legislation .
25 The natural decline in the Kurau and Melibur fields has been temporarily arrested by successful infill drilling programmes which will be extended into late 1992 .
26 It must be clear that the squamous columnar junction does not represent the true oesophagogastric junction or cardia , as it has been previously demonstrated by simultaneous determination of potential difference change and manometric studies .
27 The D trumpet has been increasingly used by modern composers , notably Britten .
28 This policy is limited , however , in two crucial ways : first , that such ‘ choice ’ in effect reduces to the ability to pay , and ability to pay has been profoundly affected by other policies which have increased the differences among groups with regard to income and wealth ; and secondly , that many public services must be provided in the local area if they are to be of real value and if other costs , not only financial , are not to be incurred , for instance , in travelling or moving residence in order to receive them .
29 , English Nature has been strongly criticized by environmental groups for failing to go through with plans to designate a threatened peat bog as a site of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) .
30 The decision has been strongly criticized by environmental groups , who argue that Bradwell is one of the dirtiest nuclear reactors in Britain .
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