Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [adv] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ( Gledhill 1954 , p. 44 ) This demand for a wider and less myopic frame of analysis has only recently and partially begun to be met , primarily in a shift towards an interest in actual spectatorship , but also in related issues such as the experience of viewing and the role of cultural differences in film reception and production .
2 We think that retributivists and denunciationists are right to insist that there is no justification for punishing someone who has not deliberately and wrongfully broken a just law and thereby exercised a freedom to which they are not entitled ( because to do so has diminished other people 's freedom or has threatened to do so ) .
3 A similar scheme in parts of North America has already dramatically and permanently reduced malicious and hoax calls .
4 Your article on the problems of foreign-owned stockbrokers in Tokyo ( ‘ Gaijin , gaijin , gone ’ , December 22nd ) has caused considerable offence within Barclays and has quite unfairly and incorrectly singled out for attack one of our middle managers , Michael Tomalin .
5 As a result of these anti-avoidance provisions , the foreign business carve-out is excluded , and the general COB Rules apply in relation to the customer concerned , where : ( 1 ) A UK office executes a transaction with or for a UK private customer on the instructions of a non-UK office ; or ( 2 ) A UK office gives investment advice in relation to any transaction to a non-UK office , which the non-UK office passes on to ( or uses for the benefit of ) a UK private customer if ( in either case ) : ( a ) the UK office itself transmitted the order to a non-UK office of the firm ( even if a different one from that instructing it ) ; ( b ) the UK office has itself advised the customer in relation to the transaction concerned ( and the customer has then directly or indirectly given the order to the non-UK office which deals through the UK office ) ; or ( c ) the UK office has advised the customer to deal through or seek advice from a non-UK office of the firm ( even if the relevant prescribed disclosure was made ) .
6 A price is agreed in advance and even if the project takes far longer than initially planned , there will be no extra charge .
7 Entertainment seems historically rather than essentially debased , and what emerges is a recognition of the historical possibility of popular entertainment as an autonomous art which might turn on its head the seriousness of official , rational discourse .
8 First , by what mechanism are the demand and price signals so efficiently and rapidly diffused among all of the islands while information about events on other islands only becomes available : gradually ?
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