Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [adj] it [be] for " in BNC.

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1 Reading or hearing of other pilots ' experiences emphasises how easy it is for even seasoned pilots to make mistakes .
2 A comparison of such different ballets as Enigma Variations , Fancy Free and The Rake 's Progress emphasises how important it is for young choreographers to remember that ballet is an art of the general as well as of the particular .
3 But this shows how necessary it is for proud , independent , self-reliant people to be broken , re-educated , and redirected to walk in the ways of the Lord .
4 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
5 The conversion also shows how important it is for the planning authority to be flexible about change of use so the right scheme does not get blocked prematurely .
6 At the end , Slim is the only one who understands how difficult it is for George to take the action that he did , and also why he did it .
7 This is another case which proves how vital it is for Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell to correct inconsistencies in sentencing .
8 The widespread unease with several of the measures proposed in the welfare reforms felt by many Conservative MPs , demonstrates how difficult it is for any government ( even one with a large parliamentary majority ) to reform the Welfare State .
9 That elected governments find it necessary to bow to the wishes of big privately owned companies , that the organs which so largely shape public opinion can be bought and sold by millionaires and treated by them simply as pieces of private property ( which is ' of course , what they are ) , demonstrates how difficult it is for an active and effective democracy to coexist with monopoly capitalism .
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