Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kohl has decided to go on with a fast-breeder reactor in Kalkar on the Rhine , although development costs have quadrupled to 6–5 billion DM .
2 There is one ray of hope — one member of the rescue team , himself an experienced caver , is a Casualty consultant from Suffolk who has volunteered to go down with the party to provide immediate medical assistance to the injured man .
3 ‘ He seems to have gone off into the wilds of Turkey on some dig or other , and got so interested that he forgot to come back .
4 That joint 's got to go on by a quarter to , or goodness knows what time dinner will be ready . ’
5 so she 's got to go back in a few weeks ' time
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