Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The factor number on a sunscreen refers to UVB protection with numbers over 15 indicating high protective values .
2 Agency working has aroused interest in Britain not only because it is concentrated in particular local and occupational labour markets but also because of the special status that agency workers have in employment law .
3 The latter part of this subclause is inserted to try to avoid the difficulty that could arise where a landlord declines to accept rent in order not to waive a breach of covenant by the tenant , which it has been suggested could have a similar effect of releasing the guarantor , but this is not certain .
4 In the 1980s , the increasing dominance of capital markets by institutional investors and the lower excess demand for eurobonds has made placing of bonds more difficult , adding to entry barriers for firms lacking an institutional investor base .
5 A former tax inspector , he has had experience of power only as head of the regional government in Old Castile and Leon .
6 Jowell has drawn attention to examples where the concern of policy is with ‘ standards ’ that are not susceptible to precise factual definition .
7 The Isla , which has drawn power from tributaries high in the Grampian mountains , then adds further strength from the likes of the Ardle and the Ericht before linking up with the Tay .
8 The opening of the airport has affected tourism in Madeira more than any other single factor and has transported an isolated island directly into the latter half of the twentieth century .
9 Murray 's apparently effortless escape has caused fury in Australia where there have been claims he must have bribed his way to a low security catagorization
10 However , what we are dealing with here is a magic formula of a type which has characterised legislation from Brussels before .
11 Since then the serious pushing has taken place in Colombia where the cocaine cartels have literally ruined football by using Medellin and FC Cali as laundering centres for drug money .
12 It will be a real kick in the teeth for Schofield if he has to make way for Hanley again as Britain 's captain — no matter what the set-up is at Leeds .
13 Accordingly , US PC Week reports , Taligent now plans to ship technology to developers later this year , starting with development tools for OS/2 , AIX and Macintosh System 7 , the idea being to get developers started with the new technology .
14 For example , it steadfastly refuses to ban lead in petrol even though there is now no scientist of repute willing to say that leaded petrol is , on balance , blameless and even though opinion polls have shown a massive public consensus against lead in petrol .
15 Thus a ladder filter comprising several sections and terminated in resistance tends to correct termination of sections rapidly along the ladder and responds overall quite closely to how it would respond if it were possible to correctly terminate the end section .
16 Thus terminated , a high-pass ladder filter tends to correct termination of sections rapidly along the ladder so that the overall response is quite close to that of a correctly terminated ladder .
17 More than ever , video seems to drive reality in America today .
18 According to this view , the woman who agrees to have sex with D only when he promises to marry her ( never intending to keep this promise ) — and because he has promised to marry her — is a victim not of rape but of the lesser offence of procuring sexual intercourse by false representations .
19 Meanwhile CATCHEM 's knowledge continues to grow day by day along with its grim case load .
20 Does resource defence by females again increase the benefits of large body size to female clownfish while reducing the benefits of size to males as a consequence of female dispersion ?
21 Yeah , abs yeah it 's got sort of polish already in it has it ?
22 The melody of the Adagio from Dvořák 's ‘ New World ’ Symphony owes its air of peace largely to the static harmony , which begins to move beat by beat only when there is a climax .
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