Example sentences of "[was/were] going [to-vb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her sister was coming to stay the night , they were going to go to a lecture on Charles Rennie Mackintosh .
2 What makes it even more sweet is the fact that they crapped on about us only getting to the 2nd round last year and how they were going to get to the final .
3 as if his experience was going to lead to a campaign for the rights of corpses or something .
4 Indeed , this hidden audience of mutual foes delighted Raphaelo who described loudly and floridly what was going to happen to the captives .
5 I have looked around the faces before games in the past wondering who was going to go to the wire with a home crowd after your blood , never mind the opposition .
6 Now he was going to talk to the man himself .
7 ‘ I left him in the house ; I said I was going to see to the goats . ’
8 Elizabeth was going to subscribe to the mysteries around the world , she loved reading Amanda Howard mysteries , but she was also looking forward to tomorrow because it was the first of April , April fool day , April fools day .
9 After two weeks of loyalist murders , the sources said that the UFF ‘ was going to rise to every challenge the IRA would set them ’ .
10 Until yesterday this was the nearest Mike Cratchley thought he was going to get to the chateau he had booked for a group holiday this summer .
11 Faintly , he remembered Lavinia once saying that the little girl from Sea House was going to come to the nursery school next term .
12 Vaguely he wondered when Siban was going to come to the point .
13 The chain 's director , himself an experienced hairdresser , was going to come to the salon to put things right .
14 Now remember we all of us came from the background that , you know this world was going to come to an end very soon .
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