Example sentences of "[was/were] very [adj] [coord] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Victor Frankl wrote of a survey which was conducted on a large number of Harvard University graduates who were very dissatisfied and regarded their lives as meaningless despite the high material success of their work .
2 Our traditional British reserve made them think we were very hostile and resented them being here , and their extrovert camaraderie we regarded as showing off .
3 She especially liked the Supersilent 2000 as it was very powerful and dried her hair quickly .
4 I was very young and shot anything and everything , but he gave me lots of advice . ’
5 I was very young and shot anything and everything , but he gave me lots of advice . ’
6 The tin was just wide enough for her to lie on , but it was very hot and burned her , so that she had to keep moving her bare legs .
7 ‘ He was very likeable and had lots of friends .
8 But Stephen was very helpful and gave me a lot of encouragement . ’
9 He was very friendly and told me he was a cripple , unable to work , but he and his wife managed on a small pension ; there was no bitterness in his voice .
10 ‘ He was very friendly and told us other people , but no couples , had come forward claiming to be in his picture . ’
11 He was very tired and found it hard to concentrate for long periods of time .
12 She was very frightened and felt she was dying , irreversibly something was happening , there was a sort of imminence but she could not pinpoint it .
13 He was very hungry and answered her query absently .
14 ‘ I said I was very interested and gave my credit card number as requested . ’
15 ‘ Initially it was very disconcerting and made me feel very self-conscious , ’ she said .
16 ‘ I was very mature and said I was very pleased for them both and that dad really needed a woman to look after him .
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