Example sentences of "[was/were] only a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ONCE upon a time , whether you produced pots that were thrown on a wheel or hand-made and slab-sided , there were only a limited number of variables .
2 Many English Catholics remained deeply committed to the Stuart dynasty , for obvious reasons , although they were only a tiny minority of the population .
3 Guns were only a small part of the Sussex output , and much better known were the ornamental cast-iron firebacks much in demand for the more sophisticated housing of the middling and upper ranks .
4 The formalities , as it turned out , were only a small part of what they had to face .
5 Here the expression may , as so often , be read to blur the fact of a change of substance , to present a difference of kind as though it were only a modest difference of degree .
6 There were only a few spots of blood and all I could think about was how Mum must n't see them .
7 If , however , there was only a low chance of treatment being effective , or there was a high risk of death or deterioration any risk of unbearable distress to the patient , or there could be an unwarrantable drain on resources , there was no obligation to proceed .
8 Indeed , archaeologists now believe it was due to agricultural mismanagement combined with a booming population , for investigation of a major palace in the site at Copan , Honduras , has revealed that there was only a small contingent of specialist workers employed in constructing the elaborate structure , in other words that this was not enough to overburden the economy as is sometimes alleged to be the cause of the collapse of that civilization .
9 Parachuting , however , was only a small part of a most intensive programme .
10 The funfair we see today was only a small part of the original fairs where the main business was trading .
11 The Legion 's recruiting post was only a small part of a large camp , which also housed French teenagers doing their military service ; it formed an enclave of tidiness and order among the sloppiness of the conscripts ' barracks .
12 The pageant prepared by Springall , which was only a small part of the vast coronation procession , looked even more magnificent at close quarters .
13 But this was only a small part of the story .
14 After the Olympia meeting of 1934 , which saw the clash between the communists and the fascists , there was little interest in the movement and , as Stuart Rawnsley suggests , it was only a small hard-core of supporters who remained .
15 They they did they did an excellent job , and it was only a small group of people erm
16 In fact , there was only a small nucleus of non-party men who were prepared to support the Court on all occasions — men such as the Secretary of War , William Blathwayt , or Treasury Secretary , William Lowndes , who were essentially civil servants .
17 I mean it was only a narrow bit of earth like that .
18 In post-war years there was only a nine-minute service of Marton cars during the summer season , until it closed in 1961 .
19 Today , the Croats insist that the number of Serbs , gypsies and Jews massacred in the camps of the quisling Axis-allied Croatian state was only a tiny fraction of that claimed by the communists .
20 A spokesman for ICI said the fire was not hot enough to produce all of these gases , and there was only a tiny amount of hydrochloric acid in the fumes .
21 not only was the undergraduate teaching poor , but there was only a minimal amount of postgraduate education in this subject ; part of the reason for this was that there was a shortage of suitable qualified and experienced doctors who knew enough to take on such postgraduate teaching ;
22 It was only a minimal drop of 242 over last year , but 3,580 fewer than 1989 .
23 No-one was hurt in the incident , and there was only a slight release of radioactivity ( 0.134 curies , according to Japanese authorities ) into the atmosphere .
24 Her dark brown hair was neatly cut and waved around her face ; there was only a slight tinge of grey .
25 Gabriel Napier , however , did not neglect to tell Lord Ilay that the failure of his sheriffship to provide adequate compensation for his services was only a partial explanation of his financial embarrassment .
26 World War two was only a recent example of what had been an historical constant .
27 Frightened , but believing this was only a passing sense of panic , Monika ran to the church hoping she could calm him .
28 She knew they had different fathers and she knew that in each case there was only a certain number of possibilities , but beyond that all was obscure .
29 Courier 's only glimmer of hope came when he broke serve in the first game of the third set , but it was only a momentary lapse of concentration by the German , who so likes to win in front of his countrymen and women , as he broke back in the next game .
30 Mr Major 's victory — a victory for what was only a marginal adaptation of what went before — should not be interpreted as a defeat for Thatcherism .
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