Example sentences of "[was/were] also [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When in 1939 a repetition of the conditions encountered during the First World War once more led the government to intervene in agriculture then the conditions were also created for a renewed round of trade union growth .
2 Other winners in Q3 's incentive were also treated to a flying experience , the first part of which was entirely land based .
3 A determined spirit and entrepreneurial approach were also advocated by a subsequent speaker , as he declared ‘ Selling Mars Bars enables us to maintain a good bookshop . ’
4 McCoy , McBride and Ferris tormented Bangor 's usually solid defence and Glenavon were also rewarded with a sparkling first appearance of the season by young midfielder Peter Kennedy .
5 McCoy , McBride and Ferris tormented Bangor 's usually solid defence and Glenavon were also rewarded with a sparkling first appearance of the season by young midfielder Peter Kennedy .
6 Moreover , as extracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations could reflect changes in their intracellular metabolism , plasma , and urine cyclic nucleotide values were also assessed in a large series of coeliac patients studied at different stages of their disease .
7 And they were also hit by a further £25,000 fine for an ‘ irregular payment ’ to a player .
8 From its analysis it appears that ELISA anti-hepatitis C virus , although significantly prevalent in cryptogenic chronic liver disease cases ( 45/54 , 83% ) , were also detected in a substantial proportion of autoimmune chronic hepatitis cases ( 21/46 , 46% ) .
9 In the Midlands and East Anglia individual examples from cemeteries were also made with a separate clay and also a specific set of dies ; one exception was at Newark where two die sets and two day sources were in use , but these were not mutually exclusive .
10 These factors were also incorporated into a stepwise logistic regression model to identify independent risk factors ( ACE method : Program PLR ; BMDP Statistical Package Release 1987 , Cork , Ireland ) .
11 Senior ministerial posts were also given to a former Environment Minister , Padraig Flynn , and two junior ministers dismissed with Reynolds in November , Maire Geoghegan Quinn and Michael Smith .
12 The ‘ floating ’ gardens or chinampas in the lake region just south of modern Mexico City were also oriented in a similar way when they were first built , probably in Teotihuacan times , and this orientation can still be seen in surviving examples .
13 Rats were given repeated exposure to presentations of a light in context A and were also familiarized with a different context ( B ) in which no stimuli were presented .
14 An investigation by Allan ( 1979 ) , for instance , found that not only did the middle class have more friends , but they were also drawn from a greater variety of social settings and over a wider geographical area .
15 It is normally impossible to display all the components of an expanded system model in the same plane ( without using the whole wall of an office ! ) , so they were also shown as a hierarchical scalar , an example of which is given in Fig 11.6 .
16 The test runs were also performed on a different machine so it makes little sense to compare timings .
17 The greatest deployment — 14,000 men — was in Bihar where the state borders were also sealed as an extra security measure .
18 Large changes in body weight ( increases or decreases equal to or >10% of starting weight ) were also considered as a possible risk factor .
19 They used to hold Hury Show in a field alongside the pub , and there was a wooden hut called the Show Room to be used on the big day , where dances were also held on a regular basis .
20 Serum was also obtained from a further 23 subjects ( 10 men , 13 women ) who were having benign adenomas removed at laparotomy or colonoscopy .
21 Elections to the Assembly 's 125 elective seats last took place in October 1988 [ see pp. 36264-65 ] , when Kaunda was also re-elected for a further five-year term as President .
22 The Insurance Act was also followed by an increased demand for in-patient hospital treatment by men and women , which again suggests the extent of illness previously undetected .
23 The perspective Durkheim ( 1858–1917 ) held on women was also shaped by a biological doctrine : women belonged ‘ naturally ’ in the family .
24 The plan was also prepared in a different way from those drafted by the US divisions , as it had to be to give proper consideration to the problems and needs of a totally different planning environment .
25 The dissemination of relevant information about the SEM within Scotland and about the Scottish system to other member states was also seen as a key issue .
26 It was also seen as a stark warning for the ALP federal government which was due to face the electorate by mid-1993 .
27 The agreement on the liberalisation of air travel earlier this week was also seen as a promising step towards 1992 , as was the compromise deal on telecommunications reached on Thursday .
28 His speech was also seen as a veiled attack on the free-market policies of Premier John Major .
29 The unstable situation in Georgia , the main transport route to Armenia since Azerbaijan 's economic blockade of Armenia in November 1991 , was given as the reason for the appeal , which was also seen as a veiled challenge to Turkey to prove its neutrality in the conflict .
30 The new government 's attitude to foreign investment was also seen as an important indicator of future economic policy .
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