Example sentences of "[was/were] not just a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Steve Knight , of Railnews , who proposed the motion , said consultants were not just a waste of money , but also a waste of time , a waste of resources and a drain on the whole of British industry .
2 Such activities were not just a waste of time which could be more usefully passed making profits for capitalists .
3 Private court patronage was not just a reserve of employment for members of a political interest , however , for there was danger in it for the patron .
4 It was not just a question of climate as the British sometimes liked to think .
5 But it was not just a question of the physical environment ; discipline was also integral to the control of the mental environment of individuals ; it was part and parcel of self-respect , self-control and perseverance , as well as the ability to shape the nature of one 's own existence .
6 It was not just a question of such obvious policy differences as the question of whether Nato should continue to exist — there were differences of emphasis , too .
7 It was not just a question of economics .
8 But it was not just a question of punishment ; for those who had fought on the winning side there were rewards to reap .
9 Agrarian reform when it was finally announced in March 1980 was not just a question of too little too late .
10 This was not a simple task , for it was not just a question of choosing one approach in preference to another , but of defining the nature of the object to be studied .
11 It was not just a matter of handling gate-money and paying the players .
12 Politics , of course , was not just a matter of party or creed , but how many Right-On points were scored for being black or female .
13 Britain 's importance was not just a matter of the political prestige gained during the war .
14 For some of the writers this point was taken much further : it was not just a matter of unacknowledged ideological leanings ; the causal-corrective stance came to be portrayed as a fundamentally misguided and distorting approach to the study of crime .
15 But being a gentleman in England was not just a matter of giving orders ; it required considerable wealth , spent lavishly and in a way that commanded respect .
16 This was not just a matter of helping a company and a colony in trouble ; imports were easy to tax , governments found that luxury products were particularly satisfying because their sales were not depressed by high import duties , and tobacco paid duty at a shilling a pound or about 100 per cent of the wholesale price .
17 This was not just a matter of revival of basic industries in previously depressed areas .
18 El-Gharbi seemed to feel under no pressure at all to reduce his asking figure , and Owen felt that this was not just a matter of negotiating tactics .
19 The underlying question , however , was not just a matter of views .
20 The underlying question , however , was not just a matter of views , but the feeling that Edinburgh 's primary symbol — one of history , endurance and nationhood — would be diminished by speculative offices .
21 Traditionally , literacy campaigns in peripheral rural areas would rely on the Bible , which was not just a source of reading material but , also , a way of encouraging conformity .
22 It was not just a failure of courage or conscience .
23 There must have been times when their hearts were in their mouths , for it was not just an act of business long-sightedness , it was of some bravery !
24 This was not just an effect of small scale distribution , but perhaps particularly due to their explicit problematisation of realism and of the conventional pleasures of cinema-viewing within the film text .
25 But it was not just an imitation of Gielgud . ’
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