Example sentences of "[was/were] not [vb pp] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A central committee advisory board was created to accommodate three " old guard " revolutionaries who were not re-elected to the political bureau , namely Souphanouvong , Phoumi Vongvichit and Sisomphone Lovansay .
2 Drawings were not done to a standard scale ; the metric system was just being introduced in France and its conquered territories , where it replaced a range of different miles , fathoms , feet and inches ; and there were no standard interchangeable parts , even nuts and bolts and screws being individual .
3 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
4 and because the clinics were not attached to the main hospitals , there was no feedback from other disciplines in medicine , and , furthermore , the doctors working in the clinics did not have to undergo the vigorous selection procedures that were usual for hospital posts .
5 They , as became self-conscious representatives of the Cohen tradition — austere , genteel , ‘ polished ’ — were not taken to the spontaneous expressions of liveliness which Masha 's Judaism exhibited .
6 At least the children were not subjected to the brutal excesses common enough in the collieries of that time .
7 In general , from 1450 onwards , non-European Christians were taught theology to a level at which they might function as parish priests , but they were not admitted to the religious orders such as the Jesuits and the Dominicans .
8 We consulted the acknowledged experts in the field , many of whom were not known to the general public ; and for the most part we did little more than synthesise their conclusions in a readily digestible fashion .
9 The records of local Labour parties reveal that Labour 's feverish organizational activities were not confined to the national party alone .
10 But solicitors for the reluctant buyers say the car was not built to the original specification .
11 v. Henn and Darby , where the Court of Appeal held that the term ‘ quantitative restrictions ’ in Article 30 of the EEC Treaty did not cover a total prohibition on imports on the grounds that such a restriction was not related to a quantitative measure , whereas the case law of the European Court had clearly established that the term in question covered both outright bans and quotas on imports .
12 an equivalent car would be available to a company secretary who was not related to the managing director of the company ;
13 During the 1930s a strong pacifist movement came into being which was not tied to a major party although most of its supporters were Labour or Liberal voters .
14 This many be because the rat model was not exposed to an intiating factor or that 18 months was still not long enough to allow cancer to develop .
15 The 1966 official report into his subsequent escape has some incredibly tedious and unconvincing arguments as to why Blake was not moved to a high , or at least a higher , security prison such as Birmingham .
16 The depression was not limited to the coffee-growing area ; there was also a decline in employment in the packing industry in Colombo , and many temporary emigrants from maritime areas who had earned their livelihood providing services in the previously-expanding economy of the central highlands were forced to return home .
17 The High Court has upheld earlier decisions that an appeal was not within its jurisdiction if it was not transmitted to the High Court within 30 days of the appellant 's receipt of the Special Commissioner 's statement of the case ( p 101 ) .
18 The High Court upheld in Petch v Gurney ; Gurney v Petch [ 1992 ] STI 943 earlier decisions that an appeal was not within its jurisdiction if it was not transmitted to the High Court within 30 days of its receipt by the appellant .
19 In 1956 he had delivered a scathing attack on Moscow for its invasion of Hungary and was not invited to the Soviet Union until 1971 .
20 Of the country 's three nuclear reactors in Yongbyon , one 50-100 megawatt plant was not connected to the national grid , thereby indicating that it was intended for weapons production .
21 The photograph from a 1946 copy of the Illustrated London News showing snuff boxes belonging to the Hohenzollern family rediscovered by the Control Commission in Bremen after the war , proves that Mr Truman 's research was not restricted to the specialised literature .
22 Collins tired of life on the margins of Scotland 's squad and was not taken to the European Championship finals in Sweden .
23 A case where the claim was set out in one letter agreed by both parties and a later , unilateral , submission was not copied to the other party is discussed in l3.13.2 .
24 Israel 's expectation of the Kingdom was not confined to the political activists and zealots .
25 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the phrase ‘ office or employment ’ in section 16(2) ( c ) of the Act was not confined to the narrow limits of a contract of service but was to be construed in a wider sense as a matter of ordinary language ; and that , accordingly , the provision of services by the appellant as a self-employed accountant was properly described as employment within the ambit of section 16(2) ( c ) ( post , p. 506B–D , E–G ) .
26 Minton 's reputation as a lecturer was not confined to the Royal College .
27 Its dominance was not confined to the academic world ; indeed , it became the intellectual creed of US foreign policy in the late 1940s and 1950s .
28 Pennano was not reappointed to the new Council of Ministers .
29 This reluctance to share information is alleged to have led to several disasters where information was not passed to the right people in time , and where one organisation arrested the informants of another by accident .
30 Bush was not subjected to a general anaesthetic during his hospital treatment , and at no point did he relinquish executive responsibility to Vice-President Dan Quayle .
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