Example sentences of "[was/were] a way of [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To survive , the western Empire depended on federates , and the early barbarian settlements were a way of ensuring a supply of federate forces .
2 Enterprise zones were a way of testing the viability of these ideas by liberalizing the market .
3 This was a way of defining the parish boundary , and every half mile or so gospels would be read and a cross erected .
4 W was there a feeling when the this this saw table was acquired , d did you have any feeling that it was a way of controlling the wages ?
5 As a rich man it was believed if you commissioned a church or chantry chapel or stained glass windows like these it was a way of assuring a place amongst the the blessed
6 In other words , it was a way of easing the dilemma of choosing between tax cuts or more public spending .
7 Supporting West Ham was a way of staying an East-Ender , going to the Boleyn pub beside Upton Park and ‘ steaming in ’ against rival supporters or immigrants .
8 and that repression was a way of leaving the ego free of anxiety ?
9 In a short statement on photography ( Land , 1972a ) , Land suggested that it was a way of retaining the shifting , fleeting world of childhood and thus giving the child ‘ a new kind of security ’ .
10 This was a way of perfecting the giraffe .
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