Example sentences of "[was/were] a [adj] [noun] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The kidnappings were a traumatic event and for some time the Gombe Stream Research Centre was closed to students .
2 ( 1 ) The provisions of this Act mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below shall apply to licensed canteens , to the holders of licences under this Part of this Act and to their employees and agents as if a licensed canteen were a public house and as if the licence-holder of a canteen were the licence holder of a public house .
3 The new seeds were a scientific success but in their introduction to the LDCs , too little attention was paid to the social and political context .
4 He was a strong churchman and after seeing two or three patients on a Sunday morning would go without fail to St George 's United Free church , where he was a senior elder .
5 There was a total silence but for the symphonic range of slurpings and splutterings with which Francie accompanied porridge .
6 I said that was a brilliant idea and by the time we were out of the car park and in the thick of the traffic , I was asking her what she was doing later .
7 It was a fascinating experience but from the climbing point of view the ratios were n't terribly good .
8 In 1872 he served briefly on Birmingham town council , being elected to fill a casual vacancy in October only to be defeated at the municipal elections a month later , but by this time it was apparent that he was a talented organizer and in 1873 he was appointed full-time secretary of the Birmingham Liberal Association in succession to William Harris .
9 For Elizabeth , as for many other philhellenes , it was a real sacrifice and to be respected ; but those of us who lived and worked here were grateful to writers who did not join in the boycott — to John Bailey , Francis King , Peter Levi , Lady Longford , Nancy Mitford , Iris Murdoch , Barbara Pym , Muriel Spark and others .
10 Carrie felt cold , though it was a warm day and above their heads , above the dark yews , the sun was still shining .
11 I just though it was a simple misprint and with one stroke of the pen I changed ‘ otter ’ to ‘ other ’ , thus effecting a rather broader sweep to Party policy than had been intended .
12 There was a gentle breeze and from time to time Meg paused and lifted her head to feel the warmth of the sun and the sweet-smelling air moving against her cheeks .
13 The discussion was opened by Chris Swinson , chairman of the Financial Reporting and Auditing Group , who basically told us that it was a foregone conclusion and after hearing views of those present , told us all to stop whingeing about the matter and to accept the situation .
14 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
15 It is selected from the pages of the BDN , to which he was a frequent contributor and on whose editorial board he served for a long period : A combined system is one which includes all useful methods and techniques and adapts them and uses them according to the particular needs of the child .
16 However , Lilian Peters , seeing how hurt Mrs Miller was , said that she thought that it was a good idea and after suggesting that a weekly gathering of the evacuated mothers and their infants would also be an excellent idea , Mrs Miller sat down beaming , because she believed she had thought of it herself .
17 Despite these reservations she thought that it was a good film but at the same time she upheld a longstanding tradition in Socialist Worker of avoiding any discussion of what a ‘ good film ’ might be .
18 There was a great lake and on it were flamingos like the ones you see every day on Three Island Pond .
19 Dan Mason of the Chiswick Polish Company — ‘ Cherry Blossom Polish ’ — was a great benefactor and in 1922 he bought Boston House in Burlington Lake , Chiswick , and had it converted into a club for the female staff of his Company 's factory .
20 Meredith Jones was a great talker and on the way back home from the youth club he
21 To my left hand was a small ledge and on it , rather surprisingly , a tortoise appeared .
22 For these , training was a regular event and in one case was carried out at a separate meeting every alternate month .
23 ‘ Certainly , Cabannes did superbly at the back of the lineout today but he was a regular target and in all other areas I gave Back the edge .
24 Mistress Southwell was a Roman Catholic and with several others sought to surround the events of the Queen Elizabeth 's last illness and death with ill-omens and to suggest that she had not died in a state of grace ’ .
25 He was a superb horseman and in those days we had many more horses here , bloodstock that was famous as even now these horses are .
26 One of his early moves on joining Grant Forrest was to change the name to its current one to emphasise that it was a pan-Scottish agency and in 1983 Cree joined to open the office in Edinburgh , a move he considers a vital part of PRCS 's success .
27 The match was a hard-fought contest and after much cheating on their part , the prisoners ran out 3–0 victors with a doubtful hat-trick by Rudolph Hess .
28 As it turned out , I was a dreadful croupier and after a few weeks they put me on coats and hats .
29 Despite the fact that regular maintenance was a statutory requirement and despite some successful legal actions to enforce the statutory provisions , regular dredging and attention to leaks were perfunctory or never carried out at all by canal companies owned by the railways .
30 It was a shocking experience and to the abuses of the gaolers was added the deadly lottery of gaol fever and smallpox , pneumonia and diphtheria .
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