Example sentences of "[was/were] a [noun] of [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 And two or three temps and the rest were a couple of temps from the mixing plant .
2 Once they were a couple of miles from the Manor , where the woods were at their most impenetrable , she reined in Moonbeam and drew to a halt in a little glade .
3 There were a couple of messages from the office , and then a voice , which was quite featureless , apart from some obvious London vowel sounds , came on .
4 The occasional independent unionist and independent Orange-lodge representative in politics were a feature of politics from 1880 to 1972 .
5 There were a number of warnings from RSGB which were included , and which were later to be added into the company prospectus .
6 He asked himself whether he was someone like Arthur Benson , the Master of Magdalene , for whom books were a form of escapism from the real world .
7 The Louts were a bunch of youths from another district who came to the club now and again and mildly disturbed the dances .
8 There was a mixture of papers from academia and industry , representing the more theoretical and practical technical issues of Ada .
9 The church became the subject of incredulous and not necessarily friendly discussion , but it was a kind of publicity from which the church came to gain recruits .
10 There was a kind of squeak from deep within the black bag .
11 And many of them were angered at what they said was a lack of information from the ferry company on replacement sailings .
12 There was a gasp of consternation from Annie .
13 Anthony Eden was a member of Parliament from 1923 until 1957 .
14 I was a member of NALGO from 1979 until the GLC was abolished , when I ceased to be a member for a number of reasons : 1 could not afford it , and because the company for whom I worked was not a Local Authority .
15 Immediately after the first wave of evacuation had taken place there was a chorus of outrage from reception areas about some of the evacuees — evidently those from the poorest homes in inner-city areas — who were said to be filthy , verminous , incontinent , ungrateful and thoroughly ill-mannered .
16 Once again there was a flurry of bodies from the doorway they had been defending and another charge .
17 Beside Charlie on the floor was a pile of clothes from which he pulled jackets , macs and shirts before throwing them aside as unsuitable .
18 The bass was a word of warning from the dead zone .
19 Former technical direct Dr Nigel Mykura told us the immediate cause of his February 1991 resignation was a transfer of £350,000 from AMS1s bank account to another MacDonald company , which Mykura believed would make it impossible for AMS to continue its research .
20 At length , Fenella said , in very nearly a whisper , ‘ Thank you , Trees , ’ and there was a ripple of awareness from the Trees and a soft rustling of the trailing leaf-hair .
21 If the Sabbath was a day of rest from labour , Sunday , Rabbi Moishe sometimes thought — but it was not a thought he voiced for fear of being misunderstood — was a day of rest from the Sabbath .
22 If the Sabbath was a day of rest from labour , Sunday , Rabbi Moishe sometimes thought — but it was not a thought he voiced for fear of being misunderstood — was a day of rest from the Sabbath .
23 However , Ronnie Tod 's one-man ambush failed when he dropped his tommy-gun magazine as he cocked the gun , and there was a burst of fire from the Germans .
24 There was a rush of feet from outside .
25 Again , as on the previous occasion , there was a chink of light from Marius Steen 's bedroom .
26 What was hoped would occur was a shifting of responsibilities from ‘ external ’ control to ‘ self-control ’ .
27 Bait was a piece of crust from a new loaf .
28 There was a legacy of forfeitures from the conflicts of the 1460s .
29 There was a legacy of forfeitures from the conflicts of the 1460s .
30 ‘ Admittedly there was a sort of backlash from outside , and even from within the group , so we then sort of backtracked .
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