Example sentences of "[was/were] a [noun] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently Myrcans and Hearthwares were a rarity in these parts .
2 ‘ Loretta ! ’ he exclaimed , greeting her as if she were a friend of many years ' standing .
3 The workshop classes were a mixture of all grades of academy , and it was here that I found common ground absorbing my trade instruction ; and happily in this field I was able not to be as conspicuous as I was at school .
4 Finances and family responsibilities were a struggle in those days , with her eldest daughter minding her three-year-old youngest child while Brown was out acting .
5 Over the next few days , however , there were a number of such incidents and some of them did not end so happily .
6 Halzman caught sight of him in an overhead mirror — there were a number of such mirrors around , speaking as well as any other kind of sound was kept to a minimum in the sonar room — removed his earphones and gestured to the seat beside him .
7 I tell you another thing that amazes me , how any one with a Sovereign right , were a Sovereign in those days , could have given up the palace of Westminster which is so beautiful , palace , together I suppose reigned after the Duke of is it ?
8 Many towns were a forest of such towers but most of these have now been demolished .
9 Trips to project exhibitions of library resources and visits to library suppliers ' showrooms were a revelation for some teachers as to the variety and sophistication of recent publications in their area of the curriculum .
10 She did much for the Red Cross , Girl Guides and the Royal Society for the Blind , and was a magistrate for many years .
11 Not that he was a stickler for such things ; he thought courtesy titles rather silly , in fact ; but she always used to call him ‘ Esquire ’ .
12 Such incidents were highly embarrassing to the union , and it was a relief on some occasions to record that the offenders were not members , but had been supplied by the Shipping Federation .
13 The accession of Gerald Ford to the presidency in 1974 was a relief for many Americans .
14 Frank 's departure was a relief in many ways : for the first time in two years someone from our group had gone home ; Frank would now be free from fear while Brian and I could carry on together .
15 She said that there was a variety of such measures .
16 To the outside world what was happening was a tightening-up of some matters , a clearing out of unexamined clutter and the creation of a sense of accountability .
17 Held , allowing the appeal , that it was a requirement of all leases and tenancy agreements that the term created was of certain duration ; that the lease purportedly created under the memorandum of agreement , being for an uncertain period , was void and the land was held on a yearly tenancy created by virtue of the tenant 's possession and payment of yearly rent , on such terms of the memorandum of agreement as were consistent with a yearly tenancy ; and that , accordingly , since the term preventing the landlord from determining the tenancy until the land was required for road widening purposes was inconsistent with the right of either party under a yearly tenancy to determine it on six months ' notice , the plaintiffs ' tenancy had been lawfully determined ( post , pp. 283B–C , F–G , 284G–H , 285E–F , 286E–F , H — 287B , G–H ) .
18 Well it was a question in those days whether you got a bay window or a flat window I mean erm the houses down Street are better quality I suppose really er all property around there is rented , I mean no one bought the houses at all not even up , I mean they were all rented houses .
19 The visit to Seaworld was a favourite with many children who shrieked with delight as they got a soaking from Shamu the killer whale .
20 Marjorie , the youngest , was a schoolgirl in those days .
21 By God , it was a must in those days , pearl barley .
22 Perhaps his aspect was a function of those involutes of memory of which I have spoken ; and his combination of these attributes , the brutish apparel of the Malay , the features of a bibulous beadle and his predilection for opium were no mere chance but a deep expression of my own pain ?
23 There was a clearing among some trees close to the river and a number of two-wheeled carts had been parked there .
24 It was a triumph beyond all expectations .
25 A series of firedamp explosions shook the mines , causing fearful injuries — though the high accident rate was a commonplace in these parts .
26 Truman as president was a surprise to many Americans .
27 The vote in the General Synod , 384 to 169 , was a surprise to both sides , who had been saying the result would be too close to predict .
28 He was a member of several committees and panels of the Joint Matriculation Board , and ran School tennis .
29 But that was a mistake in more ways than one .
30 Ireland was a nightmare for all parties ; the fifty-year respite gained by Lloyd George in 1921 was certainly based on pragmatism rather than principle but no other policy could have worked .
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