Example sentences of "[is] well know [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tony Farrow has been building one-off yachts for 20 years and is well known for the trimaran Colt Cars GB , Geoff Panell 's Admiral 's Cup triallist Itzanotherpurla re-named Red Stripe and more recently used by the RAF as a test bench under the name of Oracle Arrow in preparation for this year 's Admiral 's Cup .
2 It is well known for the friendliness of its reception and the readiness of its members to take time to talk to visitors .
3 He is well known as the man who revamped Labour 's image with the Red Rose campaign in the 1987 General Election .
4 Plas y Brenin is well known as the Sports Council 's National Mountain Centre — a centre of excellence for rock climbing and mountaineering skill training .
5 Of Manzoni 's work only Il Promessi Sposi — translated into English as The Betrothed — is well known to the English speaking world .
6 North sea operators are given dispensations , not only when there are equivalent or higher alternative arrangements in place but in some cases when it is well known to the authorities that the platforms are operating at a level that would not be allowed if they were completely new platforms .
7 The factual and legal background to the two cases with which this opinion is concerned is well known to the court .
8 Proxy consent , decision making on another 's behalf , is well known to the law .
9 The wide strip will contain a language pattern which is well known to the pupils , eg give him the large book .
10 Sir John has a finger in every pie and is well known to the harbour masters all along the south coast . ’
11 When told what the leaves were — for Poison Oak is well known across the Atlantic as a cause of severe contact dermatitis — she decided that she must wash vigorously ; and this she did about 1½ hours after touching the leaves .
12 It comes courtesy of AIS , the information service that pumps out Notams and an awful lot more from Heathrow and is well known within the aviation world for the personal briefings it can give for aviators seeking to make foreign journeys .
13 The former , whose work is well known throughout the North-East , has also toured nationally and as far as Poland .
14 My Tyrrell is well known in the Runcorn area and in Cheshire , being chairman of the Chester County Council .
15 The expression is well known in the South , especially among service families and may I add , there were a great number of fine soldiers who came from the South in units as famous as that fine body of men who serve and have served in the DLI .
16 It is well known in the EFTA countries and in those of central Europe that Britain has been perhaps the strongest advocate of enlargement .
17 President , er Congress , Tom , Liverpool , North Wales and Irish region Congress , it is well known in the trade union movements that the G M B is the leader on health , safety and environmental issues .
18 The PAS is well known in the city and receives the overwhelming majority of the section assessment requests received during normal working hours .
19 Lucy 's grandfather is well known in the county .
20 As his reputation for making commemorative seats is well known in the area , it is certain he will quickly find a ready market for his work .
21 Springhill Community House is well known in the area , both for its own work and its connections with the Conway Mill .
22 Brian Sommerville , defending , said : ‘ He is well known in the area for this sort of thing because of the last occasion .
23 It is well known in the executive search world that it is hard to prise really good people out of IBM or indeed attract those out of IBM whom IBM truly wish to keep .
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