Example sentences of "[is] no [noun sg] of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 In the extreme case , there is no mobility of labour at all ( as in Jones , 1971b ) , and the implications of such immobility for the incidence of the corporation tax have been examined in Section 6–4 , where we saw that implies that the return to capital definitely falls ( relative to p y ) as a result of the tax .
2 When there is no mobility of labour across jurisdictions , it is possible that two identical individuals residing in two different jurisdictions may obtain different net fiscal benefits .
3 In a logical net , at the simpler level of search , there is no notion of approximation to a correct answer from given inputs .
4 As cementation proceeds in clean sandstones or grainstones , or the matrix in clayey-sandstones and packstones becomes lithified , pressure is transmitted through the whole rock and there is no excess of stress at the grain to grain contacts .
5 There is no wall of separation between means and end …
6 The Regulations do not deal with the form of this record and although it would seem desirable for the sole member to sign it , in case of dispute , there is no requirement of signature in the Regulations .
7 A good Gulf war is no guarantee of success at home .
8 Outside and even around these reserves there is no guarantee of protection for the equally important adjoining forest .
9 But it is not typically more specific than the A-word ; indeed , whether the pair is classified as paradigmatic or syntagmatic , or as " synonymous " , " antonymous " or " correlative " , there is usually a parallelistic relationship of balance , in which there is no question of progress from word A to word B.
10 The fruits seem almost to jump into his hands and mouth , just dying to serve mankind , and , as with Marlowe , there is no sign of work to be seen behind this fertility .
11 Things are bad enough now but if there is no sign of progress towards a settlement , the people who are still giving friendly waves to UN troops are likely to start throwing stones as they do in Northern Ireland .
12 However , there is no likelihood of harm to members of the public associated with any of the items which have been found .
13 Courts have reached this conclusion by arguing first , that there is no mutuality of obligation between agency and worker to provide and accept work and second , that the agency does not " control " the work of the agency worker — this control is exercised by the client organisation to which the agency worker has been supplied ( see Leighton 1985a ) .
14 And reaching 30 in a recession is a special problem in itself — I may have to tread water in my career for some years because there is no chink of promotion in my business .
15 When the Independent crows ‘ Let's face it , a sick bag is a sick bag ’ I feel that this is no way of speaking of some unfortunate woman ; or of another who , according to her husband , ‘ had cast off clothes at the jumble sale ’ .
16 I tend to leave the fish together for a week as there is no problem of egg-eating with Gold Australe .
17 The three types of systems which are distinguished are isolated systems which have boundaries which are closed to the import and export of both mass and energy ; open systems where there is exchange of both matter and energy between the system and its environment , such as clouds ; and closed systems in which there is no exchange of matter between the system and its environment though there is in general an exchange of energy .
18 As A Course In Miracles suggests , there is no order of difficulty in miracles ; if you can programme a parking space , you can create whatever you Dream about .
19 ‘ There is no glimmer of affection between them , ’ he says .
20 The difference between the two classes of case is that , whereas the innocent party has the option of affirming the contract after a fundamental breach , there is no possibility of affirmation after a breach of fundamental term , since the breach amounts to a total non-performance of the contract .
21 There is no possibility of misunderstanding between dancer and spectator , however , because the changeover distance is constant within any one hive .
22 The basic problem for governments , even with budgetary accounting , is that there is no measure of output in the stewardship accounts : there is no sense in which taxation measures the organization 's output .
23 Although there is no doctrine of consideration in international law , treaty rights are likely to have obligations attached , and vice versa .
24 But for the moment there is no act of salvation like that at the Sea .
25 The common areas of the building are maintained to an immaculate standard by the resident caretaker and a small team of cleaners — there is no evidence of abuse of staircases , lifts or corridors as is apparent in many local authority or other housing association schemes .
26 ‘ Scandinavians now accept that there is no evidence of damage to forests but they claim that fish lakes and rivers suffer from the additional acidity , ’ said its Annual Report for 1976/7 .
27 There is no evidence of transmission of HIV through kissing , licking , body rubbing and mutual masturbation .
28 No not really , no I , I 'm hale and hearty erm there is no history of illness in my family , my father , my grandfather lived till he was about eighty four I 've never really given it much thought .
29 There is no sense of development between these two spatial blocks , no continuity .
30 There is no sense of accountability in a council such as Edinburgh , which sought last year to tax residents at £584 per head .
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