Example sentences of "[is] it [adv] [det] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Is it too much to ask that our current politicians , Tory or Labour , who have abetted our national decline and now seek to end our independence , soon might have to face new and eloquent voices who will fill the patriotic void in our political spectrum , and reflect the views of the British people more accurately ?
2 Is it too much to ask that the boorish Directory Enquiry operator tries again to find a telephone number you know exits ?
3 Is it too much to ask that in 2023 , the historian confronting a machine-readable run of the Financial Times ( FT ) , 1993–2003 should be able to perform serial calculations with the stock prices quoted therein without having to re-enter or extensively edit the data ?
4 Is it too much to suppose that Saint Winifred herself moved her relics to the wagon that was bound for Ramsey ?
5 When , as I expect , Neil Kinnock enters 10 Downing Street as Prime Minister after Thursday , is it too much to expect that the knockers and detractors who said that Labour could never be electable under his leadership will eat their words ?
6 Is it too much to expect that the Lord President , on one of his journeys away from the capital , will take the opportunity to apologise unreservedly to the people of this country for his gross error of judgment in imposing the poll tax ?
7 SIR — Now that our sports-loving Prime Minister is back in Downing Street , is it too much to hope that his Minister with Responsibility for Sport will be upgraded from an Under-Secretary to a seat at the Cabinet table ?
8 Is it too much to hope that a few other Merseysiders will study his methods , stop waiting for someone else ( usually the Government or the EC ) to bail them out , and demonstrate similar enterprise ?
9 Is it too much to hope that the last wilderness will be allowed to carry on in its own independent way ?
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