Example sentences of "[is] to [be] [vb pp] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What would the Minister say to a constituent of mine whose business has been wrecked by the Government-created recession , whose home is to be repossessed this week because the Government 's rescue scheme is too late and inadequate , and whose family face bed-and-breakfast accommodation because the local council has no council houses to offer because the Government have cut council house building in Wales by 90 per cent ?
2 However , many clay sized particles , whether organic or inorganic , become structurally altered at temperatures approaching 100°C so if any further study is to be undertaken this method is not recommended .
3 Ron Price is to join as a non-executive this month and a further senior marketing appointment is to be announced this month .
4 Strategic Planning Guidance … can provide the framework to begin the necessary work which will have to be undertaken if sustainability is to be given any credence within the development plan framework . ’
5 It is to be noted that subs .
6 It is to be hoped that education will counteract these requests which are in total opposition to the idea of sexual equality , and in addition seek to use medical and nursing resources which are required to combat disease .
7 It is right now to insist that nothing in the Anglo-French study shows AZT to be ineffective in the late treatment of AIDS ; it is to be hoped that point will be tested by a new controlled study .
8 A specified time should be set as a deadline when outgoing mail should be ready if it is to be despatched that day .
9 The Pope says : ‘ I want to inform you that I have decided to establish the ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ , which is to be celebrated each year on 11th February , the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes .
10 LEGAL action to prevent the BBC making and broadcasting a drama documentary about the Orkney child abuse controversy is to be considered this week by families at the centre of the affair .
11 It is to be expected that nature will surprise us ; what was significant about Forbes ' work was that he was a pioneer in studying the distribution of marine organisms , finding analogies between going deeper into the sea and going higher on land .
12 In contrast to the Sahel zone which is classified as semi-arid , Kuwait is arid ( Desertification Map of the World , FAO/Unesco 1977 ) so it is to be expected that desertification is a prominent problem and a major agent of environmental change .
13 As is to be expected such loans are liquid and generate income .
14 The book , which traces the history of Cowdray Park Polo Club from 1910 , is to be published this season by the Polo Information Bureau at £24 .
15 A new secretary-general is to be chosen this autumn .
16 The first-ever world symposium on bad breath is to be held this April in Mexico .
17 The Environment Secretary will announce whether Gloucestershire is to be capped some time over the next 6 weeks .
18 The online journal of current clinical trials , a scientific electronic journal , is to be launched this month .
19 The 80486SLC box with 4Mb to 6Mb , disk and facsimile modem , weighs 2 lbs 8 oz , and it is to be launched this week at $2,500 .
20 The Commission 's scheme , Cities Without Cars , is to be launched this summer .
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